London W


Aldford Street

Photo: Wyn Roberts

JOURNEY TO THE UNKNOWN: Girl Of My Dreams (Peter Sasdy: 1968)
A little boy leaves his home (Aldford Street) with his nanny watched by his mother Mrs Wheeler (Jan Holden). They stop on the corner to post a letter. The boy drops his ball into the road and follows it into the path of an oncoming delivery van. Carie Clark (Zena Walker) tells Greg Richards (Michael Callan) about the fatal accident in her dream. She recognises the location as Mayfair and they go to look for the home of the young boy’s mother together.

THE PROTECTORS: …With a Little Help from My Friends (Jeremy Summers: Winter 1971)
The offices of the Harry Rule Detective Agency London. The Contessa and Paul wait for news of Harry. Chino sets of with the Contessa to the Hotel Excelsior in the Rolls. They are followed by one of Kahan’s men (Roshen Seth) in a Rover.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, September 2004)

Archer Street

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: It's Supposed to be Thicker Than Water (Leslie Norman: September 1968)
Marty visits a number of London theatres and clubs looking for Fay Cracken (sequence includes stock footage of the neon sign of The Golden Horseshoe and Chester's Casino).
Baker Street

GIDEON’S WAY: How to Retire Without Really Working (George Pollock: November/December 1964)
After being interviewed by Gideon the Greshams return home in a taxi and discuss their future.
(Identified by Alan Field, December 2007)

Berwick Street Market

THE AVENGERS: The Frighteners (Peter Hammond: June 1961)
In a busy London market street a grocery store acts as Deacon's office.
(Spotted by Alan Hayes, December 2012)

Berkeley Street

Photo: Stephen Carter

THE BARON: Samurai West (John Moxey: ??)
Yasugi pays a nocturnal visit to Mannering's shop to steal the Asano sword.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, August 2000)

THE CHAMPIONS: To Trap a Rat (Sam Wanamaker: May 1967)
Establishing shots of Beachcomber Club (at the May Fair Hotel) neon sign as Jane Purcell goes in search of her next fix.

Brewer Street

THE AVENGERS: Box of Tricks (Kim Mills: January 1963)
Establishing shots of London night clubs including The Raymond Revue Bar.

Bryanston Street

Photo: Wyn Roberts

THE AVENGERS: The £50,000 Breakfast (Robert Day: July 1967)
Steed visits the offices of Alex Litoff (Marble Arch Tower) in his Bentley.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts May 2000)

THE SAINT: Portrait of Brenda (John Gilling: Summer 1968)
Simon Templar arrives at The Recorded Sound Studios, 72 Wardour Street (The Sportsman's Club), in his Volvo, to meet Diana Huntley. Later Diana runs out of the studios and catches a taxi. She is followed by Johnny Fox who also catches a taxi.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, September, August 2004)

THE AVENGERS: Homicide and Old Lace (John Hough: January 1969)
Japanese agents from Intercrime sabotage London's telephone system.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts May 2000)

Burlington Arcade

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Property of a Gentleman (Peter Duffell: Summer 1967)
McGill meets Jane Farson (Justine Lord) at the auction of what she suspects is one of her father's paintings. After the painting is sold Jane leaves in her Rolls Royce.

THE CHAMPIONS: Nutcracker (Roy Ward Baker: February 1968)
A secret vault is hidden beneath a tailor's shop in a London arcade
(Identified by Wyn Roberts and Jaz Wiseman, July 2000)

Burlington Gardens

MARK SABER aka THE VISE aka UNCOVERED: The Tall Dark ManakaIt's Only Mink (Ernest Morris: 1957)
Mark Saber sends Barney O'Keefe to inquire at all the jewellers to identify the manufacturer of a piece of jewellry he has seen.
(Identified by 'ghughesarch' of the Britmovie Forum, September 2011)

Carlisle Street

THE SAINT: Luella (Roy Baker: 1963)
Then a night on the town with Bill including The La Roca Club (19 Carlisle Street).
(Identified by Bob Rocca, July 2008)

Carriage Drive

H. G. WELLS' INVISIBLE MAN: Shadow On The Screen (Pennington Richards: 1958)
Dee drives out of Hyde Park through the gates, pursued by a black Ford Pilot.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

Cavendish Square

DANGER MAN: Deadline (Peter Graham Scott: 1959)
Drake travels by taxi from his hotel to 449 Wigmore Street (via Cavendish Square/Cavendish Place/Chandos Street).
(Identified by Paul Stroud, April 2012)

DANGER MAN: The Trap (Pennigton Richards: August 1960)
John Drake travels by taxi to the apartment Liz Parish shares with Parish with Elizabeth Warren (Cavendish Square/Cavendish Place/Chandos Street).
(Identified by Alan Field, September 2011)

Charlotte Place

photo: Jaz Wiseman

DANGER MAN: Don't Nail Him Yet (Michael Truman: 1964)
Rawson runs out of Colville Place as he attempts to lose Drake and hides in a nearby pub (The Duke of York).
(Identified by Joseph O’Dowd, July 2008)

Charlotte Street

Photo: Wyn Roberts

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Variation On A Million Bucks - part 1 (Pat Jackson: November 1966)
McGill takes Max for a drive around London to discuss why they are being watched.
(Spotted by Wyn Roberts, June 2001)

DEPARTMENT S: A Small War of Nerves (Leslie Norman 1968)
Sir Curtis and Jason race along road to the building where Halliday has the nerve gas.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, August 2004)

THE SAINT: Portrait of Brenda (John Gilling: Summer 1968)
Simon Templar drives along the King's Road on his way to see Alan Williams (seen in back projection).

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: All Work and No Pay (Jeremy Summers: November 1968)
Jeff and Jean leave launderette in Jeff's car (seen in the back projection).
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, August 2000)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Never Trust a Ghost (Leslie Norman: December 1968)
After leaving the British Museum, Jeff and Marty chat in Jeff's car. (seen in the back projection).
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, August 2000)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Could You Recognise the Man Again? (Jeremy Summers: April 1969)
After leaving the police station Jeff drives his Vauxhall through London. He discusses the situation with Marty (back projection 70 Charlotte Street to Tottenham Street then 64 Charlotte Street to 44 Goodge Street).
Chesterfield Gardens

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Arrangement (Peter Medek: ???)
Simon Templar (Ian Ogilvy) sees Guy Northcott (Michael Medwin) to a cab, watched from her car by Lady Greer Stevens (Sarah Douglas). The street is seen later at night.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

Cleveland Mews

THE NEW AVENGERS: Sleeper (Graeme Clifford: September 1976)
Steed (Patrick Macnee) and Gambit (Gareth Hunt) are in the revolving restaurant of the Post Office Tower for a better view over London.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, November 2000)

Cleveland Street

THE ADVENTURER: Nearly the end of the Picture (Cyril Frankel: ??)
Gene Bradley (Gene Barry) and Mr Parmiter (Barry Morse) have lunch in the The Post Office Tower revolving restaurant.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, November 2001)

Clifford Street

THE CHAMPIONS: To Trap a Rat (Sam Wanamaker: May 1967)
Establishing shots of Winston’s Club (10 Clifford Street) neon sign as Jane Purcell goes in search of her next fix.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: It's Supposed to be Thicker Than Water (Leslie Norman: September 1968)
Marty visits a number of London theatres and clubs looking for Fay Cracken (sequence includes stock footage of the neon sign of Winston’s Club).

Clipstone Street

THE ADVENTURER: Nearly the End of the Picture (Cyril Frankel: )
After a meeting with Mr Parlmiter in the Post Office Tower restaurant, Gene Bradley (Gene Barry) is followed by Alex (Milton Johns).
(Spotted by Geoff Dodd, May 2015)

Colville Place

photo: Jaz Wiseman

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Variation On A Million Bucks - part 1 (Pat Jackson: November 1966)
McGill and Max go for a game of chess at Kenneth 's coffee bar after the theatre. Later McGill arrives by taxi before using the coffee bar as a cover for his leaving the country. Later still Bert (Simon Brent) uses the phone box to let his masters know McGill has escaped.
(Spotted by Alan Leventhall, September 1994)

MAN IN A SUITCASE: The Bridge (Pat Jackson: ??)
McGill visits Rossiter's Roost to ask Le Strange and Rossiter about the accident.

Conduit Street

THE SAINT: The Rough Diamonds (Peter Yates: 1963)
Simon Templar drives Barbara Sinclair home from Scotland Yard.

THE SAINT: The High Fence (James Hill: December 1963)
The Saint drives through London at night in his Volvo on his way to Gabriel Forest’s home (The Swedish Travel Bureau: 7 Conduit Street, W1).
(Identified by Bob Rocca, July 2008)

THE SAINT: The Saint Steps In (John Gilling :March/April 1964)
Fake detectives follow Miss Grey from White’s Hotel. ST drives Miss Grey back to her hotel after she is nearly kidnapped by fake detectives they discuss ‘Process G”.

Conway Street

Photo: Stephen Carter

THE SAINT: The Desperate Diplomat (Ray Austin: 1968)
Simon Templar drives his Volvo to see Sara Douglas at the "Trendy Boutique".
(Identified by Stephen Carter, March 2002)

Coventry Street

: The Decoy (Quentin Lawrence: 1959)
Toni Trent (Betta St.John) pulls up outside the Hotel Mediterranean (Corner of Coventry Street and Whitcomb Street) with The Invisible Man. After borrowing fourpence he enters the building. When Stavros (Philip Leaver) leaves the building, The Invisible Man follows him to board a Number two bus.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

THE AVENGERS: The Frighteners (Peter Hammond: June 1961)
In the evening Dr Keel takes Moxon to Moxon's shop.
(Spotted by Alan Hayes, December 2012)

DEPARTMENT S: Blackout (Ray Austin: ??? 1968)
After passing through Piccadilly Circus, Robin Shelton is dropped off by a taxi outside the Royal Opera House.

STRANGE REPORT: Report 2493 - Kidnap "Whose pretty girl are you?" (Peter Duffell: September 1968)
Strange’s taxi passes from Windmill Street on to Coventry Street on his way to the theatre where Jennifer Dean has been kidnapped.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: The Ghost Who Saved the Bank at Monte Carlo (Jeremy Summers: 1968)
Establishing shot of London.

Crawford Street

DEPARTMENT S: Soup of the Day (Leslie Norman: Spring 1969)
Sullivan drives towards Trish and Lavinia’s boutique to ask about a stolen radio.

Dean Street

THE AVENGERS: Box of Tricks (Kim Mills: January 1963)
Establishing shots of London night clubs including The Gorgon Club (69 Dean Street).

THE SAINT: The High Fence (James Hill: December 1963)
Pryor and Teal leave Mrs Ainsworth and discuss the case on the way back to Scotland Yard. Later the same back projection is used, Simon Templar drives Gabriel Forest to the Kosey Korner Café in his Volvo, but they also make a right hand turn into a connecting street.
(Identified by Peter Astaire, May 2009)

THE SAINT: The Crooked Ring (Leslie Norman: February: 1965)
Establishing shot of the location of Grady's Gym (corner of Dean Street and Old Compton Road.)
(Spotted by Dave Bell, November 2017)

Devonshire Street

Photo: Wyn Roberts

DEPARTMENT S: The Duplicated Man (Paul Dickson: Spring 1969)
A Russian agent follows Annabelle as she drives from one antique shop to another.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, September 2004)

Devonshire Mews South

THE AVENGERS: The Rotters (Robert Fuest: September 1968)
John Steed goes to the premises of Mervyn Sawbow (Frank Middlemass), Antique Restorer. That evening Tara is sent to watch Sawbow. She waits outside his workshop in her Lotus Europa and follows Sawbow as he drives off in his MGB.

Dutchess Mews

Steed's flat
(Source: Dave Rogers)

Duke of Wellington Place

THE PRISONER: Many Happy Returns (Joseph Serf: February/April 1967)
Number 6 (Patrick McGoohan) walks home through London after his escape from the village and is distracted by a photographer.

Frith Street

current photo required

THE SAINT: The Man Who was Lucky (John Gilling: 1962)
The adventure starts in London where, even at night, some shops never seem to close (corner Frith Street and Shaftsbury Avenue).

THE SAINT: Iris (John Gilling: 1963)
Blundel’s Newsstand where Brice, Thatcher and Rick Lansing go to pay Harry Blundel a visit.

GIDEON’S WAY: The Big Fix (James Hill: September 1964)
Commander Gideon goes to see Bookie Thompson in his club to discuss doping horses (corner Frith Street and Shaftsbury Avenue).

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Could You Recognise the Man Again? (Jeremy Summers: Spring 1969)
Establishing shots for Ben Craddock’s amusement arcade, where Jennings arrives to collect £50 arrears protection money.
(Spotted by Paul Stroud, May 2010)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: The Smile Behind the Veil (Jeremy Summers: April 1968)
The episode opens with another slow day at the Randall and Hopkirk agency.

Fitzmaurice Place

THE SAINT: The Man Who was Lucky (John Gilling: 1962)
Simon Templar goes to ‘club land’ looking for Cora. Clubs in the area include the Astor Club.

Gerrard Street

DEPARTMENT S: Soup of the Day (Leslie Norman: Spring 1969)
Jason King is in a lunch meeting with his European publisher in Pekingese restaurant.

Gloucester Place

THE PROTECTORS: The Bodyguards (Don Chaffey: 1972)
The Contassais waiting outside Alan Mason’s (Manning Redwood) house (No.22), she watches as he arrives in his car to collect something from the house. When Mason leaves, The Contessa tells Chino to follow.
(Keith Howard, September 2006)

Goodge Place

photo: Jaz Wiseman

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Vendetta for a Dead Man (Cyril Frankel: Autumn 1968)
Jansen (George Sewell) escapes from prison and hides in the doorway of a London street when he sees a police Land rover approach.
(Identified by Peter Astaire, January 2009)

Goodge Street

photo: Jaz Wiseman

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Variation On A Million Bucks - part 1 (Pat Jackson: November 1966)
McGill takes Max for a drive around London to discuss why they are being watched.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: All Work and No Pay (Jeremy Summers: November 1968)
Jeff and Jean leave launderette in Jeff's car (seen in the back projection).

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Never Trust a Ghost (Leslie Norman: November 1968)
After leaving the British Museum, Jeff and Marty chat in Jeff's car. (seen in the back projection).

STRANGE REPORT: Report 2641-Hostage: 'If You Won’t learn Die!' (Charles Crichton, February 1969)
Adam is taken by Mrs. Deeds in one her mini cabs from her office to pick up her next fare. On the way (Betty Ray (Hosery), 1 Goodge Street), she tells Adam about her son’s imprisonment in The Peoples’ Republic of China.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Could You Recognise the Man Again? (Jeremy Summers: April 1969)
After leaving the police station Jeff drives his Vauxhall through London. He discusses the situation with Marty who suddenly senses Jean is in danger and disappears (back projection 42 Goodge Street).

Grafton Way

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: You Can Always Find a Fall Guy (Ray Austin: August 1968)
In order to save Jeff, Marty visits a number of London hospitals including this one (University College Hospital).
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, May 2001)

Great Titchfield Street

THE ADVENTURER: Nearly the End of the Picture (Cyril Frankel: )
After a meeting with Mr Parlmiter in the Post Office Tower restaurant, Gene Bradley (Gene Barry) is followed by Alex (Milton Johns). Bradley realises he is being followed at deliberately stops to buy a newspaper.
(Spotted by Geoff Dodd, May 2015)

Great Cumberland Place

STRANGE REPORT: Report 5055 Cult: 'Murder Shrieks Out' (Charles Crichton: September 1968)
Adam Strange (Anthony Quayle) and Inspector Morrell (Tony Steedman) call Evelyn from a red telephone box outside an office building (ATV House).
(Source: Jaz Wiseman, January 2000)

Great Portland Street

Photo: Stephen Carter

THE SAINT: The Desperate Diplomat (Ray Austin: 1968)
Simon Templar drives his Volvo to see Sara Douglas at the "Trendy Boutique". He is followed by Eddie Margoles and Walter Faber.
(Identified by Stephen Carter, March 2002)

Photo: Wyn Roberts

DEPARTMENT S: The Duplicated Man (Paul Dickson: Spring 1969)
Annabelle’s car is followed as she goes from one antique shop to another. She turns the corner by a department store (Gt. Portland St. at the junction of Devonshire Street). Annabelle realises she is being followed. After accelerating from some traffic lights she accelerates but a Russian agent continues the chase.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, August 2004)

Great Windmill Street

THE SAINT: Luella (Roy Baker: 1963)
Simon acts a guide to a night on the town with Bill including The Club Panama (Club Panama Theatre, Great Windmill Street).
(Identified by Sietse Postma, January 2023)

JOURNEY TO THE UNKNOWN: Eve (Robert Stevens: 1968)
Albert Baker (Dennis Waterman) steals the mannequin, Eve, and carries her across London, past ‘Slot Palace’ amusement arcade.
(Identified by Bob Rocca, July 2008)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Could You Recognise the Man Again? (Jeremy Summers: April 1969)
Jeff Randall is spending the night visiting various clubs looking the Rodens.
(Spotted by Paul Stroud, May 2010)

Greek Street

JOURNEY TO THE UNKNOWN: Eve (Robert Stevens: 1968)
Albert Baker (Dennis Waterman) steals the mannequin, Eve, and carries her across London, past the strip joints, and blue cinemas he detests.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Could You Recognise the Man Again?(Jeremy Summers: April 1969)
Establishing shots for Ben Craddock’s amusement arcade, where Jennings arrives to collect £50 arrears protection money.
(Spotted by Paul Stroud, May 2010)

Grosvenor Street

THE AVENGERS: Love All (Peter Sykes: November 1968)
Tara visits the offices of Bellchamber Brothers (the London office of the Estee Lauder Group, between No.s 75 and 76) in her Lotus. While she is there, she is seen by Martha (Veronica Strong) who rushes across the road to tell her boss.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts May 2000)

DANGER MAN: Don't Nail Him Yet (Michael Truman: ???)
Rawson (John Fraser) runs from Drake (Patrick McGoohan).
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

Grosvenor Square

GIDEON’S WAY: The Reluctant Witness (Jeremy Summers, April 1965)
Crooks Syd Carter and Larry Larkin roam the streets looking for cars They drive on to a quiet residential street (back projection of junction of Upper Brook Street, Grosvenor Square and North Audley Street).
(Identified by Ian Rogers, February 2010)

THE CHAMPIONS: The Mission (Robert Asher: May 1967)
Posing as a fugitive gangster and his moll, Craig and Sharon check into the Europa Hotel after arriving in London.

THE ADVENTURER: The Case of the Poisoned Pawn (Cyril Frankel 1972)
Gene Bradley (Gene Barry) arrives to meet Brian Hamilton (Stuart Wilson) for coffee.
(Identified by Jaz Wiseman, March 2006)

Hanover Square

THE SAINT: The Invisible Millionaire (Jeremy Summers: Autumn 1962)
Simon Templar drives to office of his London broker to talk to him about Marvin Chase (corner of Hanover Square and Tenterden Street).
(Idenifired by Alan Field, September 2011)

Hanway Street

photos: Jaz Wiseman

DANGER MAN: Don't Nail Him Yet (Michael Truman: 1964)
Rawson runs up the street as he attempts to lose Drake. Later Drake runs up the street but turns back knowing he has lost him.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, July 2005)

Harcourt Street

GIDEON’S WAY: How to Retire without Really Working (George Pollock: November 1964)
Robert Gresham (Eric Barker) is loitering with intent in a London street early one morning.

Harley Street

THE HUMAN JUNGLE: The 24-Hour Man (Robert Day, ???)
Nancy Hamilton reports her observations about Alvar Bell to Dr Corder Dr R.M.D D.P.M in his office at 162 Harley Street.

THE HUMAN JUNGLE: Ring of Hate (Charles Crichton: May/June 1964)
A scanning shot of the street, complete with parked cars to establish the location of Dr Corder’s home and surgery.

THE HUMAN JUNGLE: Conscience on a Rock (Roy Baker: Feb 1964)
A scanning shot of the street, complete with parked cars to establish the location of Dr Corder’s home and surgery. The following day there is another establishing shot of the street to once again indicate Corder’s surgery.

THE HUMAN JUNGLE: The Man Who Fell Apart (Roy Baker: July 1964)
Shot of the street to establish the location of Dr Corder’s surgery. The following day a cab travels down the street setting the scene for Catherine Grant’s appointment with Corder. Later, the following night there is another establishing shot to indicate Corder’s home, where Jennifer Corder discusses her insomnia with her father.

THE HUMAN JUNGLE: Skeleton in the Cupboard (Roy Baker: ???)
Jack Lamond takes Mrs Grace Charlton to see Dr Corder in order to present an interesting challenge. Later Jenifer Corder (Sally Smith) takes the dog she has just bought back to her father's office.

THE HUMAN JUNGLE: The Man Who Fell Apart (Roy Baker: ???)
Mrs Stella Reed goes to visit Dr Corder at his Harley Street office to discuss Jane.

THE HUMAN JUNGLE: Wild Goose Chase (Vernon Sewell: ???)
Corder interviews William Jones

THE CHAMPIONS: Nutcracker (Roy Ward Baker: February 1968)
Duncan visits the offices John Warre, dental surgeon (35 Harley Street)
(found by Wyn Roberts and Jaz Wiseman, July 2000)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Whoever heard of a Ghost Dying? (Ray Austin: October 1968)
Jeff visits a doctor in Harley Street on Marty's behalf.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: The Trouble with Women (Cyril Frankel: October 1968)
Jeff and Marty park opposite Raebarn House to observe Lang and his mistress. They both duck down inside the Mini to hide from Lang (93 Harley Street can be seen through the window of the Mini).

Photo: Stephen Carter June 2001

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: When Did You Start to Stop Seeing Things? (Ray Austin: October 1968)
Marty (Kenneth Cope) visits the offices of Sir Oliver Norenton in the hope of curing Jeff. Jeff's Vauxhall car stops at the lights (junction with New Cavendish Street).

DEPARTMENT S: The Perfect Operation (Cyril Frankel: February 1969)
Annabelle Hurst goes to Harley Street to see is Walker can help identity the surgeon who took over from him.

THE PROTECTORS: A Pocket Full of Posies (Cyril Frankel: ???)
Harry Rule talks to a consultant psychiatrist about Carrie’s condition (establishing shot looking north from 127 Harley Street).
(Spotted by Paul Stroud, April 2009)

Hill Street

JOURNEY TO THE UNKNOWN: Girl of My Dreams (Peter Sasdy, 1969)
Sue Tarleton walks away from the restaurant after a meal with Greg Richards to look for a taxi (Hill Street, junction of Chesterfield Hill). Unfortunately she did not take Carrie Clark’s warning seriously and gets crushed by a falling building.
(Identified by Sandgrounder on the Britmovie Forum, December 2018)


Howland Street

Photo: Stephen Carter

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Variation On A Million Bucks - part 1 (Pat Jackson: November 1966)
McGill takes Max for a drive around London to discuss why they are being watched. McGill drops Max off here.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, July 2001)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Never Trust a Ghost (Leslie Norman: ??)
After leaving the British Museum, Jeff and Marty chat in Jeff's car. (seen in the back projection).

THE ADVENTURER: Nearly the End of the Picture (Cyril Frankel: )
Gene Bradley leaves the the Post Office Tower after a meeting with Mr Parlmiter (establishing shot corner of Tottenham Court Road and Howland Street).

Hyde Park Corner

THE SAINT: The Rough Diamonds (Peter Yates: 1963)
After Simon and Barbara Sinclair leave Barbara’s flat, in the Volvo, they are followed by Rocco in his Zephyr (Hyde Park Corner/Duke of Wellington Place near the junctions with Piccadilly and Constitution Hill).
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, July 2008)

DANGER MAN: Fish on the Hook (Robert Day: March 1964)
Drake drives around the roundabout in his Mini on his way to report to World Travel.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

DANGER MAN: Don't Nail Him Yet (Michael Truman: 1964)
Rawson (John Fraser) pays off his cab and enters the underpass followed by Muniford (Edwin Apps) while Drake drives off. Rawson stops another taxi and escapes from Mumford.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

DANGER MAN: It's Up To The Lady (Michael Truman: 1964)
Drake's Mini circles the arch and heads towards Park Lane.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

DANGER MAN: The Black Book (Michael Truman: 1965)
Drake's Mini circles the arch and heads towards Park Lane as he heads towards a meeting with General Carteret.

THE SAINT: The Miracle Tea Party (Roger Moore :1965)
The Saint's Volvo approaches the underpass.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

THE SAINT: The Smart Detective (John Moxey: February 1965)
Just before they reach a roundabout (Hyde Park Corner/Duke of Wellington Place near the junctions with Piccadilly and Constitution Hill) Simon informs Janice Dixon that the Volvo is being followed by Swann and Miller in their car.
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, July 2008)

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Web with Four Spiders (Robert Tronson: January 1967)
McGill is followed all the way to London from Manchester by American Intelligence and another agent. Later McGill is dumped on the side of the road by Croft.

THE PROTECTORS: Baubles, Bangles and Beads (Jeremy Summers, 1973)
Establishing shot for insurer's London office.
(Spotted by Paul Stroud, November 2008)

THE PROTECTORS: WAM Part 1 (Jeremy Summers: 1973)
Establishing shots of London where Davies is pleading with Harry Rule to investigate his daughter’s wild ways.
(Spotted by Paul Stroud, May 2009)

RETURN OF THE SAINT: Assault Force (Peter Sasdy: 1977)
The Saint's Jaguar drives towards Knightsbridge.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

RETURN OF THE SAINT: Signal Stop (Ray Austin, 1977)
Simon Templar takes Janie back to his flat, somewhere near The Wellington Arch.

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Arrangement (Peter Medek, 1977)
The Saint's Jaguar turns on to Knightsbridge.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Armageddon Alternative (Leslie Norman: 1977)
The Saint's Volvo follows Fred's Allegro onto Knightsbridge from Hyde Park Comer.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

Langham Place

THE SAINT: The Imprudent Politician (John Moxey July 1964)
Alex Morgan (Mike Pratt) is dropped off by a taxi opposite BBC Broadcasting House.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

THE SAINT: The Smart Detective (John Moxey: February 1965)
Simon Templar has received an invitation to the Westminster Museum (All Souls Church) where the Oppenheimer Emerald Collection exhibition is having it’s press preview in the ‘Hall of Gems’. A few nights later Peter Corrio arrives in his 'E' Type Jaguar and parks behind the Museum.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

Macclesfield Street

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Could You Recognise the Man Again? (Jeremy Summers: Spring 1969)
Jeff Randall is spending the night visiting various clubs looking the Rodens (camera looks towards Dean Street then pans to the Red Mill Club, 12 Macclesfield Street).
(Spotted by Paul Stroud, May 2010)

Lees Place

THE BARON: You Can't Win Them All (Don Chaffey: March 1966)
Two of Seftan Folkard's heavies arrive at The Peerage Club with Ronnie Osborne (John Cater) wrapped up inside a carpet and enter the club. Later, after escaping from the club, but being chased by Folkard's heavies, Osborne sees a Policeman and offers to confess to all his crimes if he can see The Baron.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman and expanded by Paul Stroud)

Manchester Square

THE BARON: The High Terrace (Robert Asher: September 1966)
EMI House (redeveloped), Manchester Square, London W1 - Cordelia arrives by taxi at Phyllis Thornton's apartment.
(Identified by Paul Stroud, May 2015)

Mansfield Street

Photo: Wyn Roberts April 2000

THE SAINT: The Smart Detective (John Moxey: February 1965)
On the night of his intended robbery Peter Corrio drives his 'E' Type Jaguar through the streets of London towards the Westminster Museum.
(Identified by Adrian Grepnold, October 2009)

THE AVENGERS: My Wildest Dream (Robert Fuest: March 1968)
Tara chases Dyson but loses him on Marlin Street (corner of Mansfield St. and Duchess Street). Later Nurse Owen (Susan Travers) leaves Jeager's clinic (No. 8) just before Tara arrives in her Lotus.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts April 2000)

Maple Street

THE AVENGERS: The Sell Out (Don Leaver: June 1962)
The Rolls Royce that Steed is a passenger in is followed down the busy high street (Tottenham Court Road) by a Sunbeam Alpine convertible. Both vehicles then turn left into a side street.
(Identified by Alan Field, May 2010)

Marble Arch

THE BARON: Diplomatic Immunity (Leslie Norman: August 1965)
Establishing shot of Oxford Street from Marble Arch. David is helping a customer in Mannering’s London antique shop.

THE BARON: Farewell to Yesterday (Leslie Norman: September 1965)
Establishing shot of London.
(Wyn Roberts, April 2003)

THE BARON: Roundabout (Robert Tronson: Augst 1966)
John Mannering drives his Jensen through London on his way to meet Lisa Delair.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, August 2000)

MAN IN A SUITCASE: The Whisper (Charles Crichton: Spring 1967)
McGill waits on a street corner for Detective Inspector Samuels.
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, June 2007)

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Somebody Looses, Somebody... Wins? (John Glen: April 1967)
The location of the London offices of E. Liebekind & Co. Photographic Importers.
(Spotted by Wyn Roberts, June 2001)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: The Ghost Who Saved the Bank at Monte Carlo (Jeremy Summers: 1968)
Establishing shot of London.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, August 2001)

THE ADVENTURER: Full Fathom Five (Val Guest: ??)
Establishing shot.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, November 2001)

THE ADVENTURER: Mr Calloway is a Very Cautious Man (Barry Morse: ??)
An establishing shot of London showing Marble arch which then pans to the Park Lane Hilton Hotel.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, November 2001)

THE ADVENTURER: Nearly the end of the Picture (Cyril Frankel: ??)
The Securicor van delivering Bradley's cash drives by Marble Arch.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, November 2001)

Margaret Street

Photo: Geoff Dodd

MAN IN A SUITCASE: The Sitting Pigeon (Gerry O'Hara: March 1967)
McGill and Blake (George Sewell) enter the fur shop of Hendrik Olsen (76 -77 Margaret Street), who acts as banker to the Blake brothers.

Mount Street

Photo: Wyn Roberts (corner of Rex Place)

THE PROTECTORS: …With a Little Help from My Friends(Jeremy Summers: Winter 1971)
Chino and the Contessa to the Hotel Excelsior in the Rolls are followed by one of Kahan’s men (Roshen Seth) in a Rover.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, September 2004)

Mortimer Street

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: You Can Always Find a Fall Guy (Ray Austin: August 1968)
In order to save Jeff, Marty visits a number of London hospitals including this one (Middlesex Hospital).
(Identified by Jaz Wiseman, May 2001)

New Bond Street

GIDEON’S WAY: The Thin Red Line (Cyril Frankel: March 1965)
After the regimental dinner Major Donald Ross accepts a lift home from Captain James Murray (they pass The White House, New Bond Street).

THE SAINT: The Man Who Liked Toys (John Gilling: June 1964)
The Saint drives Claire Wheeler, in his Volvo (past 161 – 170 New Bond Street), to the Costello and Hammel factory for some nocturnal investigation.

DANGER MAN: Say It With Flowers (Peter Yates 1965)
Drake poses as a London taxi driver (corner of Grafton Street and New Bond Street).
(Identified by Sam Denham, December 2008)

THE BARON: Portrait of Louisa (John Moxey: September 1965)
Establishing shot for location of The Baron's antique shop.
(Wyn Roberts: January 2001)

THE BARON: You Can't Win Them All (Don Chaffey: March 1966)
Establishing shot for location of The Baron's antique shop.
(Wyn Roberts: January 2001)

THE SAINT: Invitation to Danger (Roger Moore: March 1967)
Simon Templar calls Marty Bressett from a London phone box.
(Wyn Roberts: January 2001)

THE CHAMPIONS: To Trap a Rat (Sam Wanamaker: May 1967)
Establishing shots of Churchillls (160 New Bond Street) neon sign as Jane Purcell goes in search of her next fix.

DEPARTMENT S: Death on Reflection (Ray Austin: 1968)
Sir Curtis and Girl friend attend auction and see a mirror sold for an astronomical figure.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: You Can Always Find a Fall Guy (Ray Austin: August 1968)
Establishing shot of a rainy day in London (corner of New Bond Street and Burlington Gardens).
(Identified by christoph404 on the Britmovie Forum, September 2008)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: It's Supposed to be Thicker Than Water (Leslie Norman: September 1968)
Marty visits a number of London theatres and clubs looking for Fay Cracken (sequence includes stock footage of the neon sign of Churchills Club).

THE ADVENTURER: Mr Calloway is a Very Cautious Man (Barry Morse: ??)
Establishing shot of an ArtGallery.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, November 2001)

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Arrangement (Peter Medek: ???)
Establishing shot of a junction on the Street
(Spotted by Sam Denham)


Old Bond Street

THE SAINT: The High Fence (James Hill: December 1963)
The Saint drives through London at night in his Volvo on his way to Gabriel Forest’s home (passing Stafford Street).
(Identified by Alan Field, March 2010)

GIDEON’S WAY: The Thin Red Line (Cyril Frankel: March 1965)
After the regimental dinner Major Donald Ross accepts a lift home from Captain James Murray (they pass the UnionCastle,Rotherwick House 19-21 Old Bond Street).

THE CHAMPIONS: To Trap a Rat (Sam Wanamaker: May 1967)
Establishing shots of the Embassy Club neon sign (6 Old Bond Street) as Jane Purcell goes in search of her next fix.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: It's Supposed to be Thicker Than Water (Leslie Norman: September 1968)
Marty visits a number of London theatres and clubs looking for Fay Cracken (sequence includes stock footage of the neon sign of the Embassy Club).

Old Compton Street

Photo: Wyn Roberts

H. G. WELLS' INVISIBLE MAN: Blind Justice (Pennington Richards: 1958)
Sparrow and Mason pull up in a Vauxhall at the corner of Greek Street. Sparrow drives off, leaving Mason on the corner.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

THE AVENGERS: Photo shoot (1961 ???)
Various photographs of Dr. Keel (Ian Hendry), John Steed (Patrick Macnee) and Carol Wilson (Ingrid Hafner) takes here - possibly during filming of an episode?

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Could You Recognise the Man Again? (Jeremy Summers: Spring 1969)
The location of Ben Craddock’s amusement arcade, where Jennings arrives to collect £50 arrears protection money.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, March 2002)

current photo required

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Just for the Record (Jeremy Summers: ???)
This road junction frequently appears in the series as a setting for the Randall and Hopkirk agency office (taken from a building on the south side of Old Compton Street, looking WNW across Wardour Street to the eastern end ofBrewer Street).
(Identified by Marishka)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: The Smile Behind the Veil (Jeremy Summers: April 1968)
The episode opens with another slow day at the Randall and Hopkirk agency.

THE PROTECTORS: A Kind of Wild Justice (Jeremy Summers: early 1972)
Harry gets into a taxi with Kate Linderman (opposite The Prince Edward Theatre) after meeting the first of her father’s old acquaintances.

THE PROTECTORS: Zeke's Blues (Jeremy Summers: 1973)
Early in the morning Zeke lets himself out of Harry’s flat and makes his way to the Condor Club where he is performing.
(Confirmed by Wyn Roberts, October 2004)

Oxford Circus

THE AVENGERS: Death at Bargain Prices (Charles Crichton: January 1965)
A busy London street is seen as the location Pinter's Department Store is established.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, July 2000)

Oxford Street

Photo: Stephen Carter

GIDEON’S WAY: The Big Fix (James Hill: September 1964)
The offices of Percy Knox, turf accountant (near corner of Park Street).
(Identified by Stephen Carter, June 2007)

GIDEON’S WAY: The Thin Red Line (Cyril Frankel: March 1965)
After the regimental dinner Major Donald Ross accepts a lift home from Captain James Murray (they pass Bennett’s Cameras, 117 Oxford Street, W1).

GIDEON’S WAY: The Prowler (Robert Tronson: March 1965)
Gideon and Keen make their way to Winfield Square.

GIDEON’S WAY: To Catch A Tiger (Les Norman, April 1965)
Commander George Gideon drives his family to the cinema after a meal in town (footage of C&A Oxford Street opposite Selfridges, now a Primark).
(Confirmed by Geoff Dodd, October 2010)

THE AVENGERS: A Touch of Brimstone (James Hill: December 1965)
A diplomatic event is about to be sabotaged in a West End theatre (The London Palladium).

Photo: Stephen Carter

MAN IN A SUITCASE: The Sitting Pigeon (Pat Jackson: August 1966)
McGill and Blake (George Sewell) purchase some warmer clothing from a branch of 'Milletts (Western) Ltd'.
(Identified by Marishka von Saatz, May 2002)

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Somebody Looses, Somebody... Wins? (John Glen: April 1967)
The location of the London offices of E. Liebekind & Co. Photographic Importers (near 225 Oxford Street).
(Identified by Tamara Cartwright-Loebl, August 2005)

JOURNEY TO THE UNKNOWN: Do Me a Favor and Kill Me (Gerry O'Hara: 1968)
Jeff Wheeler is walking through a busy street London street. After a car narrowly misses hitting him (filmed on Shenley Road, Borehamwood) it speeds off down this road.
(Identified by Alan Field, December 2009)

DEPARTMENT S: Death on Reflection (Ray Austin: 1968)
Whilst travelling in Sir Curtis’ Rolls Royce he and Sullivan discuss Gresford’s gambling habits.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Never Trust a Ghost (Leslie Norman: 1968)
After leaving Plevitt, Jeff returns to his office (we see his car turning right into Oxford Street from Great Chapel Street).
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, August 2000)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: You can Always Find a Fall Guy (Ray Austin: August 1968)
Establishing shots of a rainy day in London (shots include the Thistle Marble Arch Hotel and Selfridges)
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, June 2001)
(Also shot under episode titles looking towards Duke Street from Lumley Street)
(Paul Stroud, February 2010)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: It's Supposed to be Thicker Than Water (Leslie Norman: September 1968)
Establishing shot of London shopping street as Jeff Randall asks around for news of Johnny Cracken (Woolworths store, 311 Oxford Street).

Photo: Wyn Roberts

DEPARTMENT S: Soup of the Day (Leslie Norman: Spring 1969)
Annabelle Hurst visits a shop selling the special brand of Portuguese soups (corner of Oxford Street and Portman Street).
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, September 2004)

DEPARTMENT S: The Man in the Elegant Room (Cyril Frankel: April 1968)
Annabelle, Stewart and Jason take a taxi to the hospital where the mysterious boy is being held (passing Nos.242 – 192 and Nos.252 – 268 Oxford Street on the way).

Park Crescent

Photo: Stephen Carter

THE BARON: The Persuaders (Leslie Norman: October 1965)
Mannering, in his Jensen, is followed by Hollins when he leaves his shop with the picture.

THE AVENGERS: My Wildest Dream (Robert Fuest: March 1968)
After Dyson leaves the offices of Acme Precision Company Ltd. Tara chases him down Park Crescent and into Portland Place.

THE SAINT: The Time to Die (Roy Baker: April 1968)
The morning after the attempt on his life, Simon Templar drives through London (from Portland Place on to Park Crescent) in his Volvo.

Park Lane

DANGER MAN: Deadline (Peter Graham Scott: 1959)
Drake leaves the Dorchester Hotel by taxi for a meerting at 449 Wigmore Street.
(Identified by Paul Stroud, April 2012)

THE SAINT: The Rough Diamonds (Peter Yates: 1963)
Simon Templar drives Barbara Sinclair home from Scotland Yard in his Volvo. They are pursued through the Hyde Park Corner Underpass by a Ford Zephyr.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

THE SAINT: The Noble Sportsman (Peter Yates: 1963)
The offices of Lord Yearley where he is about to drop a bombshell.

THE SAINT: The Lawless Lady (Jeremy Summers: 1963)
Establishing shots of the Lane and the Hilton Hotel.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

DANGER MAN: Fish on the Hook (Robert Day: March 1964)
John Drake (Patrick McGoohan) drives up park Lane in his Mini on his way to report to World Travel.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

DANGER MAN: Colony Three (Don Chaffey: July 1964)
Drake (Patrick McGoohan) follows Fuller‘s bus in his Mini.

THE SAINT: The Contract (Roger Moore: October 1964)
Establishing shot of the lane.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

DANGER MAN: Whatever Happened to George Foster? (Don Chaffey: November 1964)
John Drake pays a visit to Lord Ammanford's residence (BMW Building).
(Spotted by Paul Stroud, May 2014)

DANGER MAN: It's Up To The Lady (Michael Truman: 1964)
John Drake (Patrick McGoohan) drives up Park Lane.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

THE SAINT: The Miracle Tea Party (Roger Moore: 1965)
Establishing shot of the hotel.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

photos: Alan Field

GIDEON’S WAY: The Thin Red Line (Cyril Frankel: March 1965)
Major Donald Ross is spending a relaxing evening at home with his wife (105 Park Lane).
(Identified by Alan Field, December 2007)

DANGER MAN: The Black Book (Michael Truman: 1965)
John Drake (Patrick McGoohan) drives up Park Lane towards a meeting with General Carteret.

THE BARON: The Persuaders (Leslie Norman: October 1965)
Mannering, in his Jensen, is followed by Hollins when he leaves his shop with the picture.

THE BARON: Masquerade (Cyril Frankel: February 1966)
London - A car drives from Marble Arch down to Hyde Park Corner.

THE BARON: Roundabout (Robert Tronson: August 1966)
John Mannering drives his car along Marble Arch and past the monument.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, August 2000)

THE PRISONER: Title Sequence (most episodes)
The secret agent is seen driving through the barriers of an underground car park (Cumberland Gate entrance). He walks down a long corridor (pedestrian access to Park Lane) and hands his resignation to a man (George Markstein) in a small office (doorway to corridor near the entrance).

THE PRISONER: Many Happy Returns (Joseph Serf: February/April 1967)
On hearing a police siren Number 6 (Patrick McGoohan) jumps from the Netco van only to find himself in central London, near Marble Arch.

THE CHAMPIONS: To Trap a Rat (Sam Wanamaker: May 1967)
Jane Purcell (Kate O'Mara) is being supervised in a London hotel (Hilton Hotel International) by one of her father’s employees.
(Identified by Paul Stroud, May 2008)

THE PRISONER: Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling (Pat Jackson: August 1967)
Number 6 returns to his old office.

THE CHAMPIONS: The Gilded Cage (Cyril Frankel: September 1967)
Craig Sterling stays at the Dorchester Hotel when he goes to London in search of the kidnapped Richard.

THE CHAMPIONS: Full Circle (John Gilling: September/October 1967)
Sharron and Richard are staying at the Dorchester Hotel after Craig and Westerman are snatched from under their noses.
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, May 2009)

THE CHAMPIONS: Nutcracker (Roy Ward Baker: February 1968)
Craig, Richard and Sharron stay at the Hilton Hotel (see photo) International during their stay in London.

THE SAINT: The Time to Die (Roy Ward Baker: April 1968)
The morning after the attempt on his life, Simon Templar drives through London and passes Marble Arch.

THE SAINT: Double Take (Leslie Norman: April 1968)
The Saint pays a visit to the London home of Eugene Patroclos in his Volvo (World Backgrounds 30800).

THE SAINT: Portrait of Brenda (John Gilling: Summer 1968)
Simon Templar drives his Volvo into Hyde Park underground car park by the Park Lane entrance, for a meeting with Ed Bearsley in bay 26.

DEPARTMENT S: The Trojan Tanker (Ray Austin: Summer 1968)
Annabel Hurst goes to visit Stewart Sulivan in his London Hotel (Hilton International Hotel).

DEPARTMENT S: One of Our Aircraft is Empty (Paul Dickson: ?? )
Annabelle goes to visit Stuart Sullivan at his London hotel (Dorchester Hotel).

DEPARTMENT S: A Small War of Nerves (Leslie Norman: 1968)
Park Lane garage where Halliday goes to collect his car(Establishing shot).

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Just for the Record (Jeremy Summers: ??)
Contestants for the Cities of the World beauty contest are staying at a London hotel (Hilton International).

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: A Sentimental Journey (Leslie Norman: July 1968)
Marty visits a number of London hotels in his search for Dandy including: Grosvenor House Hotel, The London Hilton and The Dorchester.

STRANGE REPORT: Report 2493– Kidnap: "Whose pretty girl are you?" (Peter Duffell: September 1968)
Adam Strange arrives at the hotel of Otis Dean (The Dorchester) in his taxi.
Later Otis Dean (David Bauer) arrives at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park and drops the ransom money into a litter bin. He is watched by Adam Strange (Anthony Quayle) and Hamlyn Gynt (Kaz Garas) who is playing the part of a radical speaker. Ham lets Strange know when Toby (Ian Ogilvy) arrives dressed as a park keeper and takes the money. Strange losses sight of Toby when he runs into the Marble Arch subway.

STRANGE REPORT: Report 3906 - Covergirls: 'Last Year's Model' (Peter Duffell: November/December 1968)
Adam Strange arrives at the hotel where the fashion show is to be held (The Dorchester) in his taxi.

Photo: Wyn Roberts

DEPARTMENT S: A Ticket to Nowhere (Cyril Frankel: Early 1969)
Jason discusses the Blain case with Sullivan in his flat (The Playboy Club, 45 Park Lane).

THE PROTECTORS: Vocal (Cyril Frankel: 1972)
Paul Bouchet keeps a low profile in this London apartment (on the corner of Stanhope Gate, The Playboy Club) while he recovers from his injuries.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, September 2004)

THE ADVENTURER: Full Fathom Five (Val Guest: ??)
Establishing shot of park lane Hilton Hotel.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, November 2001)

Park Street

Photo: Sam Denham

THE SAINT: The Man Who Liked Toys (John Gilling :June 1964)
The Saint's Volvo pulls up outside the building (Park House, 116 Park Street, demolished). As Mrs. Enstone (Jeanne Moody) leaves in a taxi, Bishop follows her. When Enstone (John Bascombe) and Fowler (Maurice Kaufmann) leave in Enstone's Bentley, the Volvo follows. That night the Volvo returns as Enstone sees Hammel (John Paul) from the building.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

GIDEON’S WAY: The Millionaire’s Daughter (Cyril Frankel: April 1965)
The Rochester Hotel where Elliot Henderson and his family are staying. Alan Blake and Nina Henderson admire the view (over Oxford Street). Later Alan (Don Borisenko) drops Erica Townsend (Georgina Ward), disguised as Nina back at the hotel and makes sure the porter remembers them.

THE BARON: Epitaph for a Hero (John Moxey: October 1965)
The Regent Hotel (Park House, 116 Park Street, demolished), Location of the £8,000,000 Jeweller's Congress exhibition.

THE SAINT: Escape Route (Roger Moore: October 1966)
Disguised as Penny Pearson, Ann (Jean Marsh) Leaves Penny's flat (Park House, 116 Park Street, demolished). The police follow. Harry and Penny watch from the flat as the police follow Penny's car.

THE SAINT: The Powers Artist (Leslie Norman: March 1967)
Simon, Cassie and George follow one of the men filming Finlay Thorpe-Jones to an apartment (Park House, 116 Park Street, demolished) where the film is left for "Mr. Shard".

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: A Sentimental Journey (Leslie Norman: July 1968)
Marty visits a number of London hotels in his search for Dandy and eventually finds her room (Park House, 116 Park Street, demolished).


THE SAINT: The Man Who was Lucky (John Gilling: 1962)
Simon Templar goes to ‘club land’ looking for Cora. Clubs in the area include the Pigalle Bar (196 Piccadilly).

THE SAINT: Luella (Roy Baker: 1963)
Then a night on the town with Bill including the Pigalle club (190 Piccadilly).

THE SAINT: The Rough Diamonds (Peter Yates: 1963)
Rocco and Ned Walsh follow Simon Templar from Scotland yard in a Zephyr.

THE SAINT: The High Fence (James Hill: December 1963)
The Saint drives through London at night in his Volvo on his way to Gabriel Forest’s home.

THE SAINT: The Miracle Tea Party (Roger Moore: March 1964)
After dinner with Geraldine The Saint’s Volvo is followed from The Grosvenor House Hotel.

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Web with Four Spiders (Robert Tronson: January 1967)
McGill (Richard Bradford) arranges a meeting with Martha Norbert (Jacqueline Ellis) in the lobby of the Ritz. Somehow the CIA man Johnson (Warren Stanhope) is there also, but McGill manages to avoid a confrontation.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: It's Supposed to be Thicker Than Water (Leslie Norman: September 1968)
Marty visits a number of London theatres and clubs looking for Fay Cracken (sequence includes stock footage of the neon sign of the Pigalle club).

RETURN OF THE SAINT: Tower Bridge is Falling Down (Leon Griffiths: ??? 1978)
Sammy (Alfie Bass) and Ray Dennis (John Woodvine) arrive outside the Ritz where Simon has arranged a meeting with Ray Dennis.

Piccadilly Circus

Photo: Stephen Carter

H. G. WELLS' INVISIBLE MAN: Point Of Destruction (Quentin Lawrence: 1959)
Dr. Court (John Rudling) checks his watch in front of a shop window and passes in front of Eros.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

H. G. WELLS' INVISIBLE MAN: Man In Disguise (Quentin Lawrence and Peter Maxwell:1959)
Establishing shot of the circus at night.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

DANGER MAN: The Lovers (Peter Graham Scott: 1959)
The circus is seen (on back projection) as Drake drives Maria Gomez from the Leonides' home.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

DANGER MAN: Name, Date and Place (Charles Frend: 1959)
Establishing shot of the circus at night.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

THE SAINT: The Man Who was Lucky (John Gilling: 1962)
Establishing shot of London at night.

THE SAINT: The Talented Husband (Michael Truman: June 1962)
Establishing shot of the London Pavilion at night showing 'Night of the Hunter'. A taxi crosses the circus during the day.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

THE HUMAN JUNGLE: Solo Performance (Roy Baker, ???)
The can carrying Jean Forrest goes along a busy London street.

THE SAINT: The Elusive Ellshaw (John Moxey: 1963)
Establishing shot of the Circus.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

THE SAINT: Luella (Roy Baker: 1963)
The Saint's Volvo drives through the Circus at night.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

THE SAINT: The Rough Diamonds (Peter Yates: 1963)
On the way to Barbara Sinclair’s flat, Simon’s Volvo is followed through the Circus by a Ford Zephyr carrying Rocco and Ned.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

THE SAINT: The Noble Sportsman (Peter Yates: 1963)
Establishing shot of the Circus at night.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

THE AVENGERS: Box of Tricks (Kim Mills: January 1963)
Shot of London at night to establish Venus Smith performing at the Gemini Club.

THE SAINT: Damsel In Distress (Peter Yates: August/September 1964)
Establishing shot of the circus.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

GIDEON’S WAY: The Big Fix (James Hill: September 1964)
Jo Short is told to meet at 10:00pm Monday night at the bookstall in Piccadilly Station. by Dandy Johnson.

GIDEON’S WAY: Morna (Cyril Frankel, October 1964)
The Blue Disc club where Morna gets her pot.

DANGER MAN: Whatever Happened To George Foster? (Don Chaffey: November 1964)
Certhia Cooper's Rolls-Royce is followed by Drake's Mini.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

GIDEON’S WAY: State Visit (John Moxey 1964)
Max Fischer (Alfie Bass) is seen in the Circus at the corner of Shaftesbury Avenue carrying his homemade bomb concealed in a thermos flask.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, April 2005)

DANGER MAN: Are You Going to be More Permanent? (Don Chaffey: 1964)
John Drake is takes a taxi to the offices of ‘The Colonel’, M9, to be told the “The Geneva Case’ has taken another twist.

DANGER MAN: A Very Dangerous Game (Don Chaffey: 1964)
Establishing shot of London for Simpson’s flat.

GIDEON’S WAY: The Thin Red Line (Cyril Frankel: March 1965)
After the regimental dinner Major Donald Ross and Captain James Murray make their way home.

DANGER MAN: Say It With Flowers (Peter Yates: 1965)
John Drake poses as a London taxi driver.

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Variation On A Million Bucks - part 1 (Pat Jackson: November 1966)
Stock footage of London.
(Stephen Carter, June 2001)

THE BARON: A Memory of Evil (Don Chaffey: January 1966)
Nikki Holtz travels by taxi through London to meet "Captain Mannering".

THE SAINT: Invitation to Danger (Roger Moore: March 1967)
Simon Templar is in London playing the tables.

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Three Blinks of the Eyes (Charles Crichton: 1967)
McGill is in London waiting in his hotel room.

THE CHAMPIONS: To Trap a Rat (Sam Wanamaker: May 1967)
Establishing shots of nigh time London as Jane Purcell goes in search of her next fix.

THE SAINT: Portrait of Brenda (John Gilling: Summer 1968)
Simon gives Diana Huntley a lift in his Volvo to her performance at The Talk of The Town.
(Identified by Marishka von Saatz, May 2002)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Just For the Record (Jeremy Summers: April 1969)
Establishing shot of London.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Whoever Heard of a Ghost Dying? (Ray Austin: Late 1968)
Establishing footage of London before we see the Randall and Hopkirk office.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: The Ghost Who Saved the Bank at Monte Carlo (Jeremy Summers: 1968)
Establishing shot of London.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, August 2001)

DEPARTMENT S: Blackout (Ray Austin: ??? 1968)
Robin Skelton and a friend share a taxi. They are driven through London on the way to see Don Giovanni at the Royal Opera House.

DEPARTMENT S: Handicap Dead (John Gilling: Summer 1968)
Establishing shot - London at night.

UFO: The Long Sleep (Jeremy Summers: September 1970)
Wandering alone in London Catherine Fraser (Tessa Wyatt) stops to chat with Tim (Christian Roberts) before they are both moved on by a policeman.

THE ADVENTURER: Full Fathom Five (Val Guest: ???)
Establishing shot.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, November 2001)

THE NEW AVENGERS: Sleeper (Graeme Clifford: September 1976)
Bank robbers on coach at night.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, November 2000)

Piccadilly Underpass

THE BARON: The High Terrace (Robert Asher: September 1966)
Cordelia rushes from the airport by taxi (via Hyde Park Corner, Piccadilly Underpass) to deliver a set of miniatures to John Mannering who is waiting at Phyllis Thornton's apartment.

Regent Street

H. G. WELLS' INVISIBLE MAN: Play To Kill (Robert Westerby: 1958)
At the wheel of Brady's car, Simon Wallace pulls up outside the bank (corner of Regent Street and Regent Place). The Invisible Man gets into Barbara Crane's Jaguar just as she leaves.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

THE BARON: Portrait of Louisa (John Moxey: September 1965)
Shot to establish the location of The Baron's shop.

Recent Photo Required

THE SAINT: The Fiction Makers (Roy Baker: May 1966)
After the premier of 'Sunburst Five', Simon Templer drives Finlay Hugoson through London to Finlay's apartment (p.o.v. from inside car passing Criterion Theatre into Piccadilly Circus).

: Somebody Looses, Somebody... Wins? (John Glen: April 1967)
The location of the London offices of E. Liebekind & Co. Photographic Importers.

Photo: Stephen Carter

THE PRISONER: Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling (Pat Jackson: August 1967)
Establishing shot of London just before Number 6 is seen walking towards World Cameras to collect his transparencies (looking towards Oxford Circus from Little Argyll Street).
(Identified with help from Geoff Dodd, June 2007)

THE CHAMPIONS: Nutcracker (Roy Ward Baker: February 1968)
A shot of this street identifies the location of the Arcade where the tailor's shop is situated (actually Burlington Arcade, W1).
(Identified by Stephen Carter, August 2000)

DEPARTMENT S: Death on Reflection (Ray Austin: 1968)
Sullivan meets Sir Curtis at a wine tasting to discuss the case of the mirror.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: It's Supposed To Be Thicker Than Water (Leslie Norman: Autumn 1968)
Establishing shot of London.
(Identified by Stephen Carter, September 2002)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: The Ghost Who Saved the Bank at Monte Carlo (Jeremy Summers: 1968)
Establishing shot of London.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, August 2001)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Could You Recognise the Man Again? (Jeremy Summers: Spring 1969)
Establishing shot of London and location of the shop where Jeff is hiring a dinner suit for a party. Later, having spent a night unsuccessfully searching for the Rodens, Jeff drives along Regents Street in his Vauxhall and turns into the Swallow Street arch.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, March 2002)

THE ADVENTURER: The Not-So-Merry Widow (Cyril Frankel: ???)
Establishing shot.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, November 2001)

Portman Close

GIDEON’S WAY: The Prowler (Robert Tronson: March 1965)
Alan Campbell-Gore (Davis Collings) stops outside a wig shop (Wig Creations, 25 Portman Close) and contemplates his strange obsession.

Portman Square

GIDEON’S WAY: To Catch a Tiger (Leslie Norman: April 1965)
On the way to the cinema with his family, Commander George Gideon notices John Borgman crossing the road and entering an apartment block.
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, February 2023)

Rex Place

JOURNEY TO THE UNKNOWN: Girl Of My Dreams (Peter Sasdy: 1968)
A little boy leaves his home (Aldford Street) with his nanny watched by his mother Mrs Wheeler (Jan Holden). They stop on the corner to post a letter (Rex Place). The boy drops his ball into the road and follows it into the path of an oncoming delivery van. Carie Clark (Zena Walker) tells Greg Richards (Michael Callan) about the fatal accident in her dream. She recognises the location as Mayfair and they go to look for the home of the young boy’s mother together.

St. Christopher's Place

GIDEAON'S WAYMorna (Cyril Frankel, October 1964)
David makes a call to Morna’s secret flat at 43 Shepherds Market.
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, February 2024)

Shaftesbury Avenue

THE AVENGERS: The Frighteners (Peter Hammond: June 1961)
In the evening Dr Keel takes Moxon to Moxon's shop.
(Spotted by Alan Hayes, December 2012)

: The Talented Husband (Michael Truman: June 1962)
Establishing shot of the Apollo and other theatres, one showing 'Irma La Douce'.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

THE SAINT: The Bunco Artists (Peter Yates: 1962)
Simon Templar goes to collect Jean Yarmouth from a theatre (The Queen’s Theatre), where she is auditioning for a part. Whilst he is waiting a Traffic Warden gives his Volvo a ticket.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

THE HUMAN JUNGLE: Solo Performance (Roy Baker, ???)
The cab that Jean Forrest is travelling in goes past the Queen’s Theatre where the play The Seagull is being staged, turning out of Wardour Street into Shaftesbury Avenue.

THE BARON: Red Horse, Red Rider (John Moxey: ???)
After a night at the theatre The Baron is in the flat above his shop with a lady acquaintance.

THE BARON: Samurai West (John Moxey: ???)
Evening in London and Mannering is holding a party in his flat.

THE CHAMPIONS: To Trap a Rat (Sam Wanamaker: May 1967)
Establishing shots of the avenue at night as Jane Purcell goes in search of her next fix.
(Spotted by Paul Stroud, April 2009)

DEPARTMENT S: Handicap Dead (John Gilling: Summer 1968)
Theatreland at night, and the location of the 'Aces High' casino where Anabelle traces the origin of the £1 casino chip.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, March 2002)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK DECEASED: My Late Lamented Friend and Partner (Cyril Frankel: may 1968)
London's theatre district at night (corner of Rupert Street The Apollo Theatre showing 'The Flip Side' and the Gielgud Theatre showing: 'There's a Girl in my Soup') Jeff returns to the office to find Marty hard at work.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, July 2001)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: It's Supposed to be Thicker Than Water (Leslie Norman: September 1968)
Marty visits a number of London theatres and clubs looking for Fay Cracken (sequence includes stock footage of the neon sign of The Golden Nugget Casino, the Lyric Theatre, the Apollo Theatre and The Palace Theatre, during the first run of Cabaret ).

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Could You Recognise the Man Again? (Jeremy Summers: April 1969)
Establishing shot of theatreland at night, including the Lyric Theatre.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, March 2002)

THE PERSUADERS!: Greensleeves (David Greene: September 1970)
Brett crosses Shaftesbury Avenue and walks up Great Windmill Street to the office of theatrical agent Benny Ryan (number 41) in the hope he can pass himself off as a Lord Brett Sinclair lookalike.
(Spotted by Mike Wilson, June 1992)

Shepherds Place

THE BARON: You Can't Win Them All (Don Chaffey: March 1966)
Ronnie Osborne (John Cater) escapes from the Peerage Club and runs into Shepherds Place chased by two of Seftan Folkard's heavies.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman)

Smith's Court

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Could You Recognise the Man Again? (Jeremy Summers: April 1969)
Jeff Randall is spending the night visiting various clubs looking the Rodens (Hawaii Striptease, 1-3 Smith's Court, redeveloped).
(Identified by Alex Bulgo, January 2022)

South Audley Street

JOURNEY TO THE UNKNOWN: Matakitas Is Coming (Michael Lindsay-Hogg: 1968)
The library where magazine researcher June Wiley is looking into murder of the young librarian, Sylvia Hablen, by Andros Matakitas in 1927 (Mayfair Library, 25 South Audley Street).
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, September, 2009)

Stratton Street

THE SAINT: The Man Who was Lucky (John Gilling: 1962)
Simon Templar goes to ‘club land’ looking for Cora. Clubs in the area include Le Coq D'Or.

Tottenham Court Road

THE AVENGERS: The Sell Out (Don Leaver: June 1962)
The Rolls Royce that Steed is a passenger in is followed down the busy high street by a Sunbeam Alpine convertible. Both vehicles then turn left into a side street (Maple Street).
(Identified by Alan Field, May 2010)

GIDEON’S WAY: The Thin Red Line (Cyril Frankel: March 1965)
After the regimental dinner Major Donald Ross accepts a lift home from Captain James Murray.

Photo: Stephen Carter

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Variation on a Million Bucks - part 1 (Pat Jackson: November 1966)
McGill takes Max for a drive around London to discuss why they are being watched (they pass 'Heal's' department store). They stop at a crossing for traffic lights to change (just after the junction with Stephen Street).
(Identified by Stephen Carter)

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Web with Four Spiders (Robert Tronson: January 1967)
Dr James Norbert is driven from London Airport into town, but the events of the previous night weigh heavy on his conscience.

DEPARTMENT S: Blackout (Ray Austin: 1968)
Doctor Lang drugs Peter Sinclair and drives him down this London street at night en route to the Caribbean.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: All Work and No Pay (Jeremy Summers: Early 1969)
Jeff and Jean leave launderette in Jeff's car (seen in the back projection).

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Never Trust a Ghost (Leslie Norman: December 1968)
After leaving the British Museum, Jeff and Marty chat in Jeff's car. (seen in the back projection).

STRANGE REPORT: Report 2641-Hostage: 'If You Won’t learn Die!' (Charles Crichton, February 1969)
Adam is taken by Mrs. Deeds in one her mini cabs from her office to pick up her next fare. On the way (past 80-88 Tottenham Court Road and turns onto Howland Street), she tells Adam about her son’s imprisonment in The Peoples’ Republic of China.

DEPARTMENT S: The Perfect Operation (Cyril Frankel: February 1969)
Stewart and Annabelle drive through London to the City of Southwark Hospital in Stewart’s car (back projection).

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Could You Recognise the Man Again? (Jeremy Summers: April 1969)
After leaving the police station Jeff drives his Vauxhall through London. He discusses the situation with Marty (back projection 82 Tottenham Court Road to 97 Tottenham Court Road, "I really thought I'd made contact with her").

Tottenham Street

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Web with Four Spiders (Robert Tronson: January 1967)
On his way to Lancaster House in a taxi, McGill arranges with a taxi driver to drop him off surreptitiously so he can confront Simon Croft. (seen in back projection Whitfield Street on to Tottenham Street then on to Charlotte Street).

Walkers Court

THE PROTECTORS: A Kind of Wild Justice (Jeremy Summers: 1972)
Harry takes Kate Linderman down a Soho side street to meet the first of her father’s old acquaintances.

Wardour Street

THE SAINT: The Man Who was Lucky (John Gilling: 1962)
Simon Templar goes to ‘club land’ looking for Cora. Clubs in the area include The Flamingo Club (33 Wardour Street).

THE AVENGERS: Box of Tricks (Kim Mills: January 1963)
Establishing shots of London night clubs including The Latin Quarter (13 Wardour Street).

DANGER MAN: Are You Going to be More Permanent? (Don Chaffey: 1964)
John Drake is takes a taxi to the offices of “Little Gems” where ‘The Colonel’, M9, tells him “The Geneva Case’ has taken another twist.

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Arrangement (Peter Medek: ???)
Lady Greer Stevens (Sarah Douglas) sees Nina (Vikki Richards) and Otis Braithwaite (Gregory Munroe) pull up outside the Marquee club and enter. After drugging Aileen (Jane Hayden), who is watching The Saints perform, they kidnap the girl. Simon Templar (Ian Ogilvy) and Sheila Northcott (Carolyn Seymour) visit the club later and question the bartender (Brian Pettifer).
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

Weymouth Mews, Weymouth Street

(Identified by Wyn Roberts April 2000)

THE AVENGERS: The Forget-Me-Knot (Robert Jones: )
Sean Mortimer (Patrick Kavanagh) escapes from his captors but as he reaches a taxi he cannot remember where he wants to go.

Photo: Wyn Roberts April 2000

THE AVENGERS: My Wildest Dream (Robert Fuest: March 1968)
Nurse Owen (Susan Travers) attacks Chilcott (Edward Fox) as he walks home. She drugs him and drives him away in her car.

photo: Wyn Roberts April 2000

THE AVENGERS: Stay Tuned (Don Caffey: November 1968)
Steed (Patrick Macnee) wanders the streets at night and receives a knockout punch from an unseen assailant (Gary Bond). Steed takes Tara (Linda Thorson) to Fitzherbert Street to confirm his suspicions. Later Steed is followed to Fitzherbert Street by Collins (Howard Marion-Crawford) who observes Steed being tailed by Proctor.

photo: Wyn Roberts April 2000

THE AVENGERS: Homicide and Old Lace (John Hough: January 1969)
Harriet and Georgina watch as Mother (Patrick Newell) arrives with Rhonda (Rhonda Parker) in the street below. Later Mother tells how Steed and Tara snatch a haul of Intercrime's ill-gotten gains from outside a London Jeweller's. The action takes place just outside "The Dover Castle" pub.

THE AVENGERS: Bizarre (Leslie Norman: February 1969)
Shaw is walking with Steed and suddenly pushes him in front of an on-coming car.
(Idenified by Michael Richardson, September 2012)

Windmill Street

H. G. WELLS' INVISIBLE MAN: The Decoy (Quentin Lawrence: 1959)
Establishing shot of the Hotel Mediterranean.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

York Street

Photos: Wyn Roberts

DEPARTMENT S: Soup of the Day (Leslie Norman: Spring 1969)
Villers and Greene arrive at Rupert Fallon’s boutique. Later Jeremy is taken by Greene and Villers to see Rupert. Later Sullivan drives to the boutique.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, August 2004)

Bayswater Road

THE SAINT: Iris (John Gilling: 1963)
The Lansings’ flat in London (corner of Bayswater Road and Clarendon Place).
(Identified Alan Field, August 2008)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: A Sentimental Journey (Leslie Norman: July 1968)
Marty visits a number of London hotels in his search for Dandy including: The Hertford Hotel 104-105 Bayswater Road (now The Thistle Kensington Gardens Hotel).

Bayswater Underground Station

THE SAINT: Escape Route (Roger Moore: October 1966)
Anne (Jean Marsh) removes her disguise inside the department store and makes her way to the nearby Bayswater Tube Station.

Bishops Bridge Road

Photo: Stephen Carter

THE SAINT: Escape Route (Roger Moore: October 1966)
Ann sees that she is still being followed by the police through her rear-view mirror (at junction with Porchester Road).
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, March 2002)

Bourne Terrace

THE BARON: Countdown (Robert Asher: October 1965)
Compton takes the place of John Mannering for his meeting with Mr Stanley White at the site of a disused factory. Mannering arrives just in time to rescue White.

Bouverie Place

photo: Geoff Dodd

THE SAINT: The Scorpion (Roy Baker: December 1963)
Simon Templar arrives at the Bird Cage Club in his Volvo (near the junction with St Michael's Street, looking towards Star Street).
(Geoff Dodd, September 2009)

Browning's Pool, Little Venice

THE HUMAN JUNGLE: The 24-Hour Man (Robert Day, ???)
The narrow boat Jason sails along a route between Browning's Pool and Camden Lock - Narrow boat captain Alvar Bell (Johnny Sekka) has an argument with his deck hand Harry Robson (Inigo Jackson) before setting of on their next trip (from Westbourne Terrace Road Bridge). Nancy Hamilton (Mary Yeomans) arrives with her nephew (Mark Lester), to take him for a trip to the zoo. As he drives the boat to the zoo Alvar has a panic attack before entering the Maida Hill Tunnel. Later, after a trip to the zoo and back Dr. Jimmy Davis (Michael Johnson) bids farewell to Alvar. The following day Rita Bell (Dolores Mantez) takes their children to visit her husband on the boat. Days later Rita Bell goes to the canal and asks Mr. Scollick (Patrick McAlinney) if he has seen Alvar.

Chepstow Road

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: You Can Always Find a Fall Guy (Ray Austin: August 1968)
Jeff and Marty make their way back to the office in the Vauxhall (via Chepstow Road/Wesbourne Grove) after visiting Kershaw.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

Chilworth Street

THE SAINT: The Set-Up (Roy Baker: October 1964)
Colligan’s taxi turns the corner of square with a double bend. Simon Templar’s Volvo is following close behind.

THE SAINT: Escape Route (Roger Moore: October 1966)
The Saint drives through London in his Volvo (past The Casserley Hotel, Chilworth Street at the junction with Gloucester Terrace). He parks outside a house and breaks in
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, October 2010)

Cleveland Gardens

THE SAINT: The Scorpion (Roy Baker: December 1963)
Eddie Black Black(Dudley Sutton)rides his motorbike along this road looking for Long Harry” Garret (Philip Latham). Eddie rides to the end of the street, stops and looks first one way (down Cleveland Terrace) and then the other (down Cleveland Square) for signs of “Long Harry” Garret.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, March 2005)

Cleveland Square

SABER OF LONDON: The Penny Black (Max Varnel: 1957)
Late one night Mr. Roberts is at Mr. Ferrari's London house attempting to negotiate the return of his stamp from Mr. Ferrari. Later Inspector Parker (Colin Tapley) arrives at the house with his men to investigate a murder.

THE SAINT: The Scorpion (Roy Baker: December 1963)
Long Harry” Garret (Philip Latham) runs along a London street and hides in a doorway. Eddie Black Black (Dudley Sutton) arrives on a motorbike and begins to search for Harry. Harry makes a break for it (around the south west corner of the square) and Eddie Black is not far behind. Later Simon Templar dresses as Eddie and drives his bike away from the Bird Cage Club to visit The Scorpion.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, March 2005).

THE SAINT: The Smart Detective (John Moxey: February 1965)
As she is walking across the road (Cleveland Gardens) Janice Dixon (Anne Lawson) is spotted by Swann and Miller. She is pursued by Swann and Miller's car and she attempts to loose them by ducking into The Saint's mews.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

THE BARON: Diplomatic Immunity (Leslie Norman: August 1965)
After stealing the Faberge sedan chair Eva Dummel leaves her car and gets into her chauffer driven Rolls Royce (Craven Terrace on to the corner of Cleveland Gardens and Chilworth Street).

Connaught Street

GIDEON’S WAY: The Great Plane Robbery (Leslie Norman: March/April 1965)
Bailey is watched as he makes a call from a phone box.
(Identified by Alan Field, March 2010)

Craven Road

THE BARON: Diplomatic Immunity (Leslie Norman: August 1965)
After taking a sharp corner in his Jensen, Mannering decides that his car is being followed by a Jaguar (Craven Road at the junction with Westbourne Terrace, looking towards Praed Street).
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, 2nd April 2013)

Craven Hill Gardens

THE SAINT: The Set-Up (Roy Baker: October 1964)
Taxi Stops on a side street and Corrigan gets out. Simon is not far behind.
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, February 2010)

Craven Terrace

SABER OF LONDON: The Penny Black (Jimmy Wilson: 1957)
Mr. Turner (Robert Ayres) walks along the road to a café (11 Craven Terrace).where he stands and waits. He has been followed by Pete (Neil McCallum) who watches him from across the street. Eventually Rosie (Jan Holden) appears walking down the street and they enter the café together. After leaving the café Pete follows Rosie to her flat and he meets Mark Saber, who arrives by taxi and they eneter the bulding together (32 Craven Terrace).

SABER OF LONDON: Strong Man Out (Max Varnel: 1959)
Mark Saber and Pete Paulson arrive in Pete's Vauxhall Victor to visit the café managed by Ben Chou (11 Craven Terrace) to find out where he got the money he had recently deposited.
(Identified by Greg Mishevski, April 2012)

Devonshire Terrace

THE SAINT: The Set-Up (Roy Baker: October 1964)
Colligan’s taxi turns the corner of square with a double bend. Simon Templar’s Volvo is following close behind.

Edgware Road

STRANGE REPORT: Report No.4407-HEART:'No choice for the donor' (Robert Asher: July 1968)
Adam Strange (Anthony Quayle) drives his taxi home along a London road and stops at a pedestrian crossing (near the junction with Blomfield Road) to let some children across the road.
(Identified by Peter Astaire, January 2006)

Gloucester Mews West

THE SAINT: The Invisible Millionaire (Jeremy Summers: Autumn 1962)
Establishing shot of The Saint's mews house.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, June 2000)

THE SAINT: The Rough Diamonds (Peter Yates: 1963)
Alan Uttershaw and Simon discuss the possible suspects in the murder of Gabriel Linnet in Simons mews flat.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, June 2000)

THE SAINT: Luella (Roy Baker: 1963)
Simon arranges to meet the porter from Bill’s hotel at his Mews Flat.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, June 2000)

THE SAINT: The Lawless Lady (Jeremy Summers: 1963)
Establishing shot of The Saint's mews house.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, June 2000)

THE SAINT: The Scorpion (Roy Baker: December 1963)
Establishing shot of the mews. The Saint leaves his house and is followed by Eddie. He returns later in his Volvo.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, June 2000)

THE SAINT: The Set-Up (Roy Baker: October 1964)
Outside Templar's house Orping (John Stone) looks up at a house overlooking the mews. After thinking he has killed Templar he returns to his Humber and drives off, but is followed by The Saint in in his Volvo.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

THE SAINT: The Contract (Roger Moore: October 1964)
The Saint's Volvo drives into the mews and passes Ardossi (John Bennett) as Simon Templar (Roger Moore) gets out of his car, a large sedan almost runs him down. As he watches the car drive off Ardossi warns him that a contract has been put out on his life. After visiting Templar, Mrs. Ballinger is about to leave in her car when Templar stops her to apologies.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

THE SAINT: The Smart Detective (John Moxey: February 1965)
Janice Dixon (Anne Lawson) is pursued by Swann's and Millar’s car into The Saint's mews (from Chilworth Street).
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

THE SAINT: The Man Who Could not Die (Roger Moore, May 1965)
Simon takes Nigel Perry back to his London flat to discuss blackmail.

Gloucester Terrace

photo: Geoff Dodd

THE SAINT: The Set-Up (Roy Baker: October 1964)
Simon is following Colligan’s taxi but Simon’s Volvo is caught by traffic lights. The taxi continues on its route with Colligan aboard (camera opposite number 36).

THE BARON: Diplomatic Immunity (Leslie Norman)
Marlowe is driving John Mannering back to London and notices that they are being followed by another car (3/4 back projection). Templeton Green's men, in their car have followed Mannering’s car from the airport (back projection). John Mannering decides to ‘try something’ and gets David Marlowe to drive the Jensen text to a taxi standing at the lights. He gets into the taxi and asks to be taken to the Pamaranea Embassy. Templeton Green's men intercept Mannering before he can enter the Pamaranea Embassy and take him to their headquarters (back projection).
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, May 2009)

THE BARON: The Persuaders (Leslie Norman: October 1965)
Mannering, in his Jensen, is followed by Hollins when he leaves his shop with the picture.

THE BARON: Roundabout (Robert Tronson: August 1966)
John Mannering drives his Jensen through London on his way to the Lindsay Hotel.

THE BARON: There's Someone Close Behind You (Roy Baker: December 1965)
Mannering, in his Jensen, finds a sharp corner where he can lose the policemen who are tailing him (Craven Road junction). Later Greg Wilde leaves court in a police car and is followed by Sheldon and Alan Jordan in their car. They radio their location to other members of the gang (back projection).
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, May 2009)

THE SAINT: A Double in Diamonds (John Gilling: February/March 1967)
Simon drives to Lord Gillingham House to offer his assistance to find the stolen necklace.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, June 2002)

THE CHAMPIONS: The Experiment (Cyril Frankel: June 1967)
The taxi carrying Sharron Macready drives through London with the police car following close behind as it turns a corner (on to Chilworth Street).

STRANGE REPORT: Report 3424 Epidemic: 'A most curious crime' (Daniel Petrie: October/November 1968)
Adam Strange (Anthony Quayle) takes Zeba (Zienia Merton) in his taxi to the hospital where Ham is suffering from cholera. They are met by an intern (Raymond Armstrong) who shows them in.
(Identified by Peter Astaire, May 2009)

Harrow Road

photo: Jaz Wiseman

STRANGE REPORT: Report 2475: Revenge 'When a Man Hates' (Charles Crichton).
Mary Hanson (Rosemary Leech) is seen walking in front of a hotel (the former Warwick Hotel, 101 Harrow Road) as she wonders about her husband.
(Identified by: Jaz Wiseman with thanks to Len Colgan and Bill O'Shea, February 2005)

STRANGE REPORT: Report No.4407-HEART:'No choice for the donor' (Robert Asher: July 1968)
The car with Gynt aboard continues out of London.

Hyde Park

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Web with Four Spiders (Robert Tronson: January 1967)
After explaining the situation to McGill in the back of his car (back projection of West Carriage Drive), Simon Croft dumps McGill by the side of the road.
(Identified by: Geoff Dodd, June 2024)

DEPARTMENT S: Spencer Bodily is Sixty Years Old (Leslie Norman: 1969)
Spencer Bodily (Gavin Campbell) visits The Fountains and Peter Pan Statue. He walks by The Long Water, throws away his documents and shoots himself.

Hyde Park Crescent

GIDEON’S WAY: How to Retire Without Really Working (George Pollock: November/December 1964)
Robert Gresham goes to fence his lot whilst Margaret Gresham (Joyce Grant) parks the Roll’s and steals a Mini.
(Identified by Tamara Cartwright-Loebl, May 2007)

Hyde Park Gardens Mews, Sussex Place

Photo: Wyn Roberts April 2000

THE CHAMPIONS: To Trap a Rat (Sam Wanamaker: May 1967)
Craig follows the peanut vendor to his house. He parks at the corner of Sussex Place to watch the house overnight.
(Source: Sam Denham)

photo: Geoff Dodd

THE BARON: There's Someone Close Behind You (Roy Baker: December 1965)
The back entrance of John’s Mannering’s shop. Mannering intends to meet his would-be assassin without the police interfering. He gets into his car and drives away.
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, May 2009)

Inverness Terrace

THE SAINT: Escape Route (Roger Moore: October 1966)
As Ann (Jean Marsh) drives down this street. She is followed by the police. She checks her mirror.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, March 2002)

Hyde Park Street

photo: Alan Field

GIDEON’S WAY: The Great Plane Robbery (Leslie Norman: March-April 1965)
Bailey leaves his flat with his wife to set up an alibi. Later D.C.I. David Keen (Alexander Davion) goes to Bailey’s flat to ask questions, as he leaves he talks to the doorman.
(Alan Field, August 2007)

Kendal Street

THE CHAMPIONS: The Fanatics (John Gilling 1967)
Craig Sterling invites his date to share a penthouse barbeque (corner with Porchester Place).
(Identified by Peter Astaire, May 2009)

UFO: Destruction (Ken Turner, 1970)
Having been given Sarah Bosanquet’s keys by Paul Foster, Straker and Lake go to search her apartment.
(Spotted by Alan Field, May 2009)

DEPARTMENT S: Spencer Bodily is Sixty Years Old (Leslie Norman: 1969)
After stealing the box from Spencer, Guido Volponi takes it to Ingrid von Etzdorf who is waiting outside Spencer’s hotel in a white Rolls Royce. After the death of Spencer Bodily, Graves and Martin search Spencer’s Hotel. Later Jason, Annabelle and Stewart go to interview the staff at the hotel.
(Identified Geoff Dodd, August 2008)

THE SANDBAGGERS: It Couldn't Happen Here (1980)

Lancaster Gate

SABER OF LONDON: Strong Man Out (Max Varnel: 1959)
A man dressed as a guard and another steal the payroll of the Diamond Manufacturing Company (22 Lancaster Gate) administration office - a third man attempts to prevent the robbery but is fought off. The two robbers get into the car and drive off.
(Identified by Peter Astaire, April 2012)

SABER OF LONDON: Come Out Fighting (Godfrey Grayson: 1960)
Mark Saber (Donald Grey) drives to Chatsworth Court (100 Lancaster Gate) looking for Joe Ward the bookmaker.
(Identified by Peter Astaire, April 2012)

THE SAINT: The Saint Steps In (John Gilling :March/April 1964)
Simon Templar drops into a London hotel (Thistle Hyde Park, formerly The Whites Hotel) for a cocktail. Later a doorman calls Madeline Gray a taxi and Walter Devan tells his men to follow her. A few minutes later The Saint leaves and races after them.

THE SAINT: The Set-Up (Roy Baker: October 1964)
Clem Enright drives through London to Baytree Club and pulls up opposite the club. Enright signals from inside club to car outside. Enright ‘s men rob the club and Colligan is left behind after a doorman is shot. Colligan runs from club and jumps into a taxi Simon Templar runs to his Volvo

THE BARON: Roundabout (Robert Tronson: August 1966)
John Mannering drives his Jensen into Lancaster Gate (from Craven Terrace) on his way to meet Lisa Delair at the LindsayHotel. He stops and asks a policeman the way. At the same moment, Posing as John Mannering, Richard Bates (Ewan Roberts), visits Lisa Delair at the LindsayHotel (The Columbia Hotel).
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, August 2000)

Lancaster Terrace

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: A Sentimental Journey (Leslie Norman: July 1968)
Marty visits a number of London hotels in his search for Dandy including The Royal Lancaster Hotel.

Leinster Gardens

SABER OF LONDON: Strong Man Out (Max Varnel: 1959)
Pete Paulson goes by taxi to visit John Rogers at his home as he is the only suspect they have.
(Spotted by Geoff Dodd, April 2023)

THE SAINT: The Man Who Could not Die (Roger Moore, May 1965)
Nigel Perry and Simon Templar wait outside LeinsterTowers for Miles Hallin. When Hallin leaves in his Rolls Royce, Simon they follow.

THE SAINT: The Time to Die (Roy Ward Baker: 1967)
Mary Ellen Brent and Simon Templar leave Leinster Towers (The Blakemore Hotel) after a fantastic night on the town. They get into Simon's Volvo and drive away.
(Spotted by Wyn Roberts, May 2000)

THE SAINT: Little Girl Lost (Roy Baker: Aug/Sep 1966)
Templar drives Mildred to his Dublin hotel. Mullins and Brine arrive in their Beetle for their meeting with Drew and see Templar's Volvo parked outside.

THE BARON: The Legions of Ammak (John Moxey: ??)
The Baron drives David Marlowe to the Ammak Embassy in his Jensen.

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Armageddon Alternative (Leslie Norman: ???)
The Saint's Jaguar turns into the Gardens. Leaving Lyn Jackson (Anouska Hemple) in the car, Simon Templar (Ian Ogilvy) crosses to number 66.
(Source: Sam Denham)

Leinster Square

GIDEON’S WAY: The Nightlifers (John Moxey: November 1964)
Peter Sloan (Anton Rogers) is dropped of by the Bentley near Elspeth McCrae’s (Jean Marsh) flat. He sees Elspeth leave the flat and is about to go after here when he sees Detective Chief Inspector David Keen (Alexander Davion) leave the flat as well.

London Street

THE SAINT: The Man Who was Lucky (John Gilling: 1962)
The street where the offices of Bailey and O’Connor, Turf Accountants are situated. The offices are visited by one of Luckner’s men and later by the police.

Maida Avenue

DANGER MAN: The Man Who Wouldn’t Talk (Michael Truman: 1965)
Drake engineers the escape of Meredith from Drake’s hotel in an ambulance. Drake follows the ambulance in a police car as they drive along a canal (Maida Avenue, corner with Park Place Villas). Drake picks Meredith up when he overpowers the ambulance man.
(Confirmed by Geoff Dodd, September 2012)

THRILLER: Ring Once for Death (1973)

Norfolk Crescent

THE CHAMPIONS: The Gilded Cage (Cyril Frankel: September 1967)
Richard Barratt's Geneva flat (The Water Gardens) from which he is kidnapped by two men posing as carpet cleaners. Craig (Stuart Damon) arrives just in time to see the van drive away along Norfolk Crescent.
(Source: Sam Denham)

THE CHAMPIONS: Get Me Out of Here! (Cyril Frankel: )
The hotel where Professor Anna Maria Martes is held against her will.

Paddington Station

H. G. WELLS' INVISIBLE MAN: Death Cell (Peter Maxwell: 1959)
A train pulls into the station, and after the passengers disembark, Dee and Brady drive off.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

H. G. WELLS' INVISIBLE MAN: Play To Kill (Robert Westerby: 1958)
Barbara Crane pulls up by the taxi rank in her Jaguar and walks across the concourse. The Invisible Man follows her. In disguise, Walter Manton (Ballard Berkeley) hurries to Platform Five to catch the Reading train. At the gate the ticket collector (uncredited) bars The Invisible Man's pursuit. A train pulls away from Platform Two.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

DANGER MAN: The Lovers (Peter Graham Scott: 1959)
Establishing shot of the station. After receiving a phone call John Drake runs from the stationmaster's office. The wounded Stavros is later driven away in an ambulance.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

THE SAINT: The Talented Husband (Michael Truman: June 1962)
Establishing shot of the station at night.
(Spotted by Sam Denham, September 2000)

DANGER MAN: Such Men are Dangerous (Don Chaffey Oct/Nov 1964)
A Bentley arrives at the station, and a train departs.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

THE SAINT: The Man Who Could not Die (Roger Moore, May 1965)
Simon and Moyna go to see Nigel and Miles off from the station as they are off to Wales for the weekend.
(Jaz Wiseman, October 2005)

Park West Place

Photo: Wyn Roberts

DEPARTMENT S: The Duplicated Man (Paul Dickson: Spring 1969)
Anthony James Harvey is taken to his apartment (Park West) by limousine by Gerald, the Chauffer. Later Annabelle Hurst and Stuart Sullivan are watched as they search the apartment by Russian agents in a “Joe’s Television Service” van.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, August 2004)

Pembridge Gardens

Photos: Wyn Roberts

STRANGE REPORT: Report 0846 – Lonelyhearts ‘Who killed Dan cupid?’ (Peter Duffell, February/March 1969)
Guests leave the party being held at the Milner Friendship Bureau (probably no. 7). Later Leonard Grey (Donald Douglas) is followed all the way to his apartment (Vincent House) by a plain-clothes police officer. The police officer goes over to a colleague watching from a car opposite the house. Later Tessa O’Neill (Geraldine Moffatt) arrives.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, May 2005)

Pembridge Square

GIDEON’S WAY: The Nightlifers (John Moxey: November 1964)
Peter Sloan (Anton Rogers), Sue Young (Annete Andre), Alison Clifton (Pauline Monroe), Tim Coles (Peter Fowlds) and Tony King (James Hunter) arrive at the home of Tony’s uncle in a Bentley.
(Identified by Alan Field, April 2009)

Porchester Gardens

THE CHAMPIONS: To Trap a Rat (Sam Wanamaker: May 1967)
Jane Purcell and Sharron Macready travel in a taxi meet drug supplier in taxi (turning north into Queensway). Richard and Craig follow behind.
(Spotted by Paul Stroud, April 2009)

Porchester Terrace

SABER OF LONDON: The Penny Black (Max Varnel: 1957)
After leaving the café Rosie (Jan Holden) sets off alone. Pete is instructed to follow her (from Prochester Gardens on to Porchester Terrace).
(Identified by Sietse Postma, January 2024)

Queensborough Terrace

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: My Late Lamented Friend and Partner (Cyril Frankel 1968)
Jeff has been following the ‘beat’ around town and he finally ends up in a cheap hotel. Jeff drives Marty to the hotel so they can talk to him.


Photo: Stephen Carter

THE SAINT: Escape Route (Roger Moore: October 1966)
After leaving Penny’s flat, Ann, disguised as Penny Pearson and driving her car, turns a corner (right from Inverness Place into Queensway). After a short drive Ann (Jean Marsh) parks outside a department store (Whitely's) and runs in followed by the police.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts)

THE CHAMPIONS: To Trap a Rat (Sam Wanamaker: May 1967)
Sharon (Alexander Bastedo) follows Jane Purcell (Kate O'Mara) to Whiteley's department store where she goes shoplifting. Later Jane (Kate O'Mara) introduces Sharon (Alexander Bastedo) to her dealer, Edwards(Michael Standing) in the back of a taxi (corner of Westbourne Grove and Queensway).
(Identified by Wyn Roberts May 2000)

Photo: Sam Denham

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: You Can Always Find a Fall Guy (Ray Austin: August 1968)
After leaving the houseboat of Douglas Kershaw Marty tells Jeff that he thinks Jean needs him (back projection along Queensway passing the Porchester Gardens junction). Later Jeff tells Marty he is going to the electronic research centre in Winchester and sets off through London in his Vauxhall. After returning from Winchester in his Vauxhall Jeff pulls over to the side of the road with Marty as passenger. Jeff has arranged to collect Jean for another meeting with Douglas Kershaw. Jean (Annette Andre) emerges from Bayswater Station and gets into the car.
(Spotted by Sam Denham)

Queen's Gardens

Photo: Wyn Roberts

THE SAINT: The Set-Up (Roy Baker: October 1964)
Colligan’s taxi turns the corner of square with a double bend. Simon Templar’s Volvo is following close behind.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: When the Spirit Moves You (Ray Austin: December 1968)
Calvin P. Bream is staying at the Atlantic Hotel.

Radnor Place

photo: Geoff Dodd

THE SAINT: Escape Route (Roger Moore: October 1966)
The Saint drives through London in his Volvo towards a house he is about to rob (Radnor Place into Gloucester Square).
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, May, 2009)

THE SAINT: The Powers Artist (Leslie Norman: ??)
Simon drives Cassie and George, in his Volvo, to visit "Simon Templar".
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, May, 2009)

Saint Stephen’s Gardens

STRANGE REPORT: Report 3424 Epidemic: 'A most curious crime' (Daniel Petrie: October/November 1968)
Adam Strange (Anthony Quayle) and Ameen (Saeed Jaffrey) watch as the people of the Pakastani district of town queue for their cholera inoculations (Now under a housing estate but the background houses in Ledbury Road are still there).
(Identified by Alan Field, April 2009)

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Arrangement (Peter Medek: 1977)
Sheila Northcott (Sarah Douglas) and Simon Templar (Ian Ogilvy) arrive at the home of Otis in Notting Hill Gate (No.53).

Serpentine Road, Hyde Park

THE SAINT: Flight Plan (Roy Baker: August/September 1966)
Simon Templar and Diane Gregory watch as Michael Gregory (William Gaunt) and Landek (Ferdy Mayne) meet with a foreign agent on the lake to discuss stealing the Osprey.

THE PERSUADERS!: Take Seven (Sidney Hayers: October 1970)
Brett's Aston pulls into the kerb. Danny (Tony Curtis) and Brett (Roger Moore) prepare to contact The Farmer further into the park.
(Spotted by Mike Wilson, June 1992)

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Arrangement (Charles Crighton: ???)
Lou (Reg Lye) is training one of his clients along the bank of the river. He is approached by Simon Templar (Ian Ogilvy) who asks about the possible source of the gun left with Aileen.

Southwick Mews

photo: Geoff Dodd

THE SAINT: The Man Who Liked Toys (John Gilling: June 1964)
Simon Templer follows George Fowler (Maurice Kaufmann) in his Volvo to a garage where the money to fund the strike is being passed over. After Fowler leaves, Simon enters.
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, October 2009)

Spring Street

SABER OF LONDON: The Penny Black (Max Varnel: 1957)
Mark Saber tells Pete to follow Mr Turner (Robert Ayres) to see who he meets. Pete follows Turner's taxi to a street where Turner gets out, goes into a bank and returns to pay off the taxi driver. Turner goes into the tobacconists' next door then sets off on foot. Pete leaves his Vauxhall Victor and follows .
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, May 2023)

Strathearn Place

THE PROTECTORS: Your Witness (Jeremy Summers: Summer 1971)
Harry takes Christie to Paul’s flat (1-9 Gloucester Square, which faces Srathearn Place).
(Identified by Sam Denham, September 2010)

Sussex Gardens

photo: Geoff Dodd

MAN IN A SUITCASE: The Girl Who Never Was (Robert Tronson: November 1966)
McGill arrives at the Gardens Hotel (Westpoint Hotel) and checks in with his suitcase.

Sussex Place

photo: Geoff Dodd

THE BARON: There's Someone Close Behind You (Roy Baker: December 1965)
Mannering leaves his shop by the rear entrance and drives off to meet an anonymous caller in his Jensen. Cordellia and some detectives follow in a police car.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, September 2002)

Sussex Square

photo: Wyn Roberts

THE SAINT: The Careful Terrorist (John Ainsworth: 1962)
Someone attempts to shoot Nat Grindel (Peter Dyneley) as he leaves his office with Verna (Dorinda Stevens). Later Simon Templar (Roger Moore) pays Grindel a visit.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, October 2004)

THE SAINT: Luella (Roy Baker: 1963)
The Saint's Volvo arrives in the Vincent Square in time to see the porter (John Woodnutt) leave Luella's apartment building. The Saint and Bill Harvey get out of the car.

Talbot Square

Photo: Wyn Roberts

DEPARTMENT S: A Small War of Nerves (Leslie Norman 1968)
Greg Halliday (Anthony Hopkins) arrives at 11 Winsham Terrace, SW7. He is watched by the Doctor and Carl Young. A week later Halliday leaves hotel and is kidnapped by Carl Young (Nosher Powell).
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, October 2004)

Upbrook Mews

THE SAINT: The Scorpion (Roy Baker: December 1963)
Eddie rides away from The Bird Cage Club (onto Chilworth Street) with the blackmail payment.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, March 2005)

THE CHAMPIONS: The Experiment (Cyril Frankel: June 1967)
The taxi carrying Sharron Macready takes a sharp turn into mews (from Chilworth Street) to lose the car that has been following. The taxi driver introduced himself as Major Cranmore from D.I.6.

Warwick Crescent

Adam Strange's house.
(Source: Sam Denham)

STRANGE REPORT: title sequence
Still image of Evelyn McLean (Anneke Wills), wearing a red raincoat, carries one of her paintings (taken across the road from Adam’s House).

STRANGE REPORT: Report 4407 HEART: 'No Choice for the Donor' (Robert Asher: July/August 1968)
Strange (Anthony Quayle) arrives at his house in his taxi just as Ham Gynt (Kaz Garas) and Evelyn McLean (Anneke Wills) leave the house on the motorcycle and head off to look at a flat.
(Spotted: Jaz Wiseman, January 2000)

STRANGE REPORT: Report 7931 SNIPER: 'When is your Cousin Not?' (Peter Medak: September/October 1968)
Adam Strange (Anthony Quayle) is walking Gynt's dog, Minnesota, along the canal when he meets Marisha (Lelia Goldoni) who claims to be his cousin.
(Spotted: Jaz Wiseman, January 2000)

STRANGE REPORT: Report 2475: Revenge 'When a Man Hates' (Charles Crichton, November 1968).
Ham Gynt (Kaz Garas) and Evelyn McLean (Anneke Wills) search leave Adam’s house on Gynt’s bike for a Chinese meal. Later Mary Hanson (Rosemary Leach) arrives at Adam’s house to warn him about her husband.

STRANGE REPORT: Report 4821 - X RAY: 'Who weeps for the doctor' (Charles Crichton: December 1968)
Ham Gynt (Kaz Garas) and Evelyn McLean (Anneke Wills) search the canal bank for Nurse Peggy Gale.

STRANGE REPORT: Report 1021 SHRAPNEL: ’The Wish in the Dream’ (Brian Smedley-Aston, February, 1969)
Adam Strange arrives home in his Taxi.

STRANGE REPORT: Report 0846 – Lonelyhearts 'Who killed Dan cupid? ' (Peter Duffell, February/March 1969)
Barbara Coles (Ruth Trouncer) arrives at the home of Adam Strange (Anthony Quayle) by taxi and Strange invites her into his home.

Westbourne Terrace

THE CHAMPIONS: The Experiment (Cyril Frankel: June 1967)
Tremayne sends some police detectives to watch Sharron Macready. They follow the taxi taking her into London across a large iron bridge.
(Spotted by Paul Stroud, April 2009)

Westbourne Terrace Road Bridge

photo: Wyn Roberts

THE BARON: Diplomatic Immunity (Leslie Norman: August 1965)
John Mannering (Steve Forrest) and David Marlowe (Paul Ferris) drive over
a bridge in the Baron's Jensen and are followed by Templeton Green's men in
their car.
(Source: Jaz Wiseman, January 2000)

THE CHAMPIONS: The Experiment (Cyril Frankel: June 1967)
Tremayne sends some police detectives to watch Sharron Macready. They follow the taxi taking her into London across a canal bridge.
(Spotted by Paul Stroud, April 2009)

STRANGE REPORT: Report 5055 CULT: 'Murder Shrieks Out' (Charles Crichton: September 1968)
Maggie Jones (Pamela Franklin) arrives at the home of Adam Strange in her Jaguar. She is met at the door by Strange (Anthony Quayle). Later Adam Strange drives his taxi over a bridge (and turns left into Warwick Crescent). He is followed by HamlynGynt (KasGaras) on his motorcycle.
(Source: Jaz Wiseman, January 2000)

THE AVENGERS: My Wildest Dream (Robert Fuest: March 1968)
Nurse Owen is seen driving a way from Jeager's clinic.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts May 2000)


RETURN OF THE SAINT: Signal Stop (Ray Austin: ???)
The Saint's Jaguar drives into London or the A40(M)
(Spotted by Sam Mitchell)

A40, East Acton

THE AVENGERS: The Morning After (John Hough: October 1968)
John Steed and Marlin are shown a recording of Jenny Firston's news report of people are pouring out in their thousands as a typical English town is evacuated, as they leave special shock troops take over (footage from the film SEVEN DAYS TO NOON). Coaches carrying evacuated townsfolk drive along both sides of a dual carriageway out of a typical English town (A40 between Gibbon Road and Perryn Road, East Acton).
(Identified by Alan Field, September 2012)


Friars Way, Acton

THE AVENGERS: The Morning After (John Hough: October 1968)
John Steed and Marlin are shown a recording of Jenny Firston's news report of people are pouring out in their thousands as a typical English town is evacuated, as they leave special shock troops take over (footage from the film SEVEN DAYS TO NOON). Coaches carrying evacuated townsfolk drive through a typical English town (Friary Road/Friars Way).


The Vale/Acton Vale

DANGER MAN: Name, Date and Place (Charles Frend: 1959)
Drake climbs to the top floor of the bus (Uxbridge Road/The Vale, Acton seen in the back projection). On the bus, he chats with a passenger who tells him he's dropped something. After leaving the bus, Drake walks to the gates of D. Napie and Sons. Ltd (D. Napier and Sons Ltd – demolished, the site is now the Acton park Industrial Estate) where he leaves the money as instructed. He watches from a distance but is unable to see who takes the money in the rush of workers as they leave the gate at the end of the shift.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, May 2005)

M4, Chiswick Flyover

DANGER MAN: Whatever Happened To George Foster? (Don Chaffey: November 1964)
Certhia Cooper's Rolls-Royce drives towards London.
(Spotted by Sam Mitchell)

Chiswick High Road

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Property of a Gentleman (Peter Duffell: Summer 1967)
McGill arrives in his Hillman to meet up with Logan at his local turf accountants (242 Chiswick High Road)
(Jo-Anne Stuart, January 2007)

Chiswick House, Burlington Lane, Chiswick

THE AVENGERS: Conspiracy of Silence (Peter Hammond: March 1963)
Carlo (Robert Rietty) has followed Steed (Patrick Macnee) to a park (Chiswick House gardens)where he has taken his dog, Sheba, for a run. Carlo attempts to shoot Steed with a silenced revolver but misses. Carlo panics and runs away leaving the pistol and his briefcase behind.
(Identified by Chris Mac, of the Britmovie Forum, November 2010)

THE BEATLES: promotional films for Rain and Paperback Writer (1966)

NUMBERJACKS: Forward Thinking (2006)

Great West Road

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Armageddon Alternative (Leslie Norman: ???)
The Saint's Jaguar heads over the Chiswick flyover towards the M4.
(Spotted by Sam Mitchell)

Strand on the Green

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Who's Mad Now? (Freddie Francis: 1967)
Jason Heineman (Robert Hutton) drops off Joan Heineman (Audine Leith) at the entrance of the lane leading to their house. Later McGill visits the house during his investigations. Later Joan uses Post Office Alley to get to her house.
(Spotted by Alan Leventhall, September 1994)

Hanger Green

GIDEON’S WAY: The Prowler (Robert Tronson: March 1965)
Alan Campbell Gore is compelled to continue his obsession and travels into London by bus on a foggy night.
(Identified by Alan Field, December 2007)

Aldensley Road

THE NEW AVENGERS: Sleeper (Graeme Clifford: September 1976)
Steed and Gambit race across a deserted London to Purdey's flat in Steed's Jaguar after her telephone goes dead (Aldensley Road turning into Brackenbury Road).
(Spotted by Alan Field, March 2010)

Beavor Lane

photo: Stephen Carter June 2001

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Just For the Record (Jeremy Summers: April 1969)
As Marty and Jeff chase the car "HAL 14" in the Vauxhall they take a sharp corner (off King Street on to Beavor Lane). The police car that is following them fails to take the corner. They find themselves on a residential street (Beavor Lane and St. Peter's Road, photo above) just before the chase comes to an end.
(Source: RAHDAS)

Black Lion Gate

photo: Stephen Carter June 2001

THE NEW AVENGERS: Sleeper (Graeme Clifford: September 1976)
As Steed (Patrick Macnee) and Gambit (Gareth Hunt) drive to Purdey's flat they pass a newspaper delivery boy lying asleep in the road.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, June 2001)

Hammersmith Flyover

THE AVENGERS: Sell Out (Don Leaver: June 1962)
Steed and Doctor King drive to Heathrow Airport in an AC sports car.
(Identified by Michael Richardson, April 2013)

THE CHAMPIONS: The Mission (Robert Asher: May 1967)
A tramp wanders through a scrap-yard.
(Identified by Keith Howard, September 2006)

King Street

photo: Stephen Carter June 2001

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Just For the Record (Jeremy Summers: April 1969)
As Marty and Jeff chase the car "HAL 14" in the Vauxhall they turn onto a main shopping road (Ravenscourt Road on to King Street).
(Source: John Holburn)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: The Trouble with Women (Cyril Frankel: October 1968)
Corder arrives at the Lang's apartment building, King's Court.
(Source: Claire and Michael Saunders)

St. Peter's Square

THE NEW AVENGERS: Last of the Cybernauts...?? (Sidney Hayers: May 1976)
Gambit (Gareth Hunt) gets into his Jaguar XJS outside Purdy’s flat. Gambit sees a strange figure in blue arrive and goes to investigate. The stranger pushes a parked Range Rover into him and knocks him out. John Steed (Patrick Macnee) acting on a warning from Professor Mason, arrives at the flat in his Jaguar. He revives Gambit and suitably armed they enter the flat together.
(Source: Sam Denham)

THE NEW AVENGERS: Sleeper (Graeme Clifford: September 1976)
Purdey (Joanna Lumley) leaves her flat to investigate the nearby streets and is locked out of her flat. A she had not got the keys for her own car she commandeers a red Mini to drive to Gambit’s flat. John Steed (Patrick Macnee) and Mike Gambit (Gareth Hunt) arrive at Purdey’s flat in Steed’s Jaguar.
(Source: Sam Denham)

Standish Road

photo: Sam Mitchell

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: The Trouble with Women (Cyril Frankel: October 1968)
One night in Sycamore Street, Jeff (Mike Pratt) waits in his Vauxhall whilst watching a house during a divorce stakeout. He is questioned by a police constable (Keith Grenville) who is suspicious of the detective. A car pulls up (from King Street) and waits opposite Jeff. As a man leaves he is shot and the car drives off.
(Source: RAHDAS)

Saint Peter's Grove

THE NEW AVENGERS: Sleeper (Graeme Clifford: September 1976)
Purdey (Joanna Lumley) hears the sound of breaking glass and a burglar alarm and goes to investigate. She retreats behind a wall when she sees that a robbery is taking place.

Talgarth Road

THE PROFESSIONALS: It's Only A Beautiful Picture (Dennis Lewiston: 1980)
George Cowley (Gordon Jackson), Bodie (Lewis Collins) and Doyle (Martin Shaw) stop at a petrol station.
(Identified by Alan Field, August 2007)

Uxbridge Road

photo: Alan Field

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Debt Collectors (Leslie Norman: 1978)
Posing as Conaught, Simon Templar (Ian Ogilvy) visits HM Womens Prison (St. Bernard's wing of Ealing Hospital). The prison guard (Milton Cadman) lets him in and shows him to the governor. In the prison Christine Hansen (Diane Keen) is told that her parole is due the following day. He talks to Maureen Driscol (Leslie Diane) watched by a wardress (Marianne Stone). Later Christine Hansen begins to climb over the prison wall to escape (the wall that backs onto the Grand Union Canal).
(Identified by Alan Field, June 2007)

Cromwell Road

RETURN OF THE SAINT: Yesterday's Hero (Roy Ward Baker: 1978)
Dizzy (Tony Vogel) and Gates (Ian Hendry) leave the West London Air Terminal in a Landrover.
(Spotted by Sam Mitchell)

Brunswick Gardens

DEPARTMENT S: Black Out (Ray Austin: September 1968)
The doctor's surgery in where Robin Skelton is undergoing hypnosis.

Kensington Church Street

DEPARTMENT S: Six Days (Cyril Frankel: July 1968)
Jason and Annabelle follow Sir Charles Hallet 's car as it heads towards to Notting Hill Gate Tube station. They turn a corner with shops on it (Kensington Mall on to Kensington Church Street).
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, February 2009)

Kensington Gate

Photo: Marishka von Saatz

THE SAINT: The Lawless Lady (Jeremy Summers: 1963)
The Countess Marova's Rolls-Royce arrives back home. Later, after a night on the town, Simon drives The Countess home in his Volvo.
(Identified by Marishka von Saatz, May 2007)

THE SAINT: Iris (John Gilling: 1963)
Simon Templar (Roger Moore) arrives in his Volvo at Number 16, the home of Mary and Mr. Hardy with carrying the script of ‘The Exit Room’. Later Simon and Mary Hardy (April Wilding) arrive back at the house in the Volvo after spending the evening together.
(Identified by Marishka von Saatz, May 2007)

THE SAINT: The Rough Diamonds (Peter Yates: 1963)
Simon arrives at the home of Gabriel Linnet, 107 Bentley Square, in his Volvo. He meets Barbara Sinclair waiting on the doorstep. She tells him that Linnet is not at home so he goes to find another way into the house.

Kensington High Street

H. G. WELLS' INVISIBLE MAN: Man In Disguise (Quentin Lawrence and Peter Maxwell: 1959)
Sergeant Winter chases after Madeleine's car, but Madeleine turns sharply (down Wright's Lane) and Winter overshoots the junction.

THE SAINT: Iris (John Gilling: 1963)
Simon Templar (Roger Moore) arrives at the Post Office in his Volvo (corner of Earl's Court Road), and enters the building.
(Spotted by Sam Mitchell, September 2000)

photo: Stephen Carter

THE CHAMPIONS: The Gilded Cage (Cyril Frankel: September 1967)
Craig Sterling visits Samantha who lives in "Hans Crescent Mews" which is situated near this street busy shopping street.
(Identified by Stephen Carter, August 2000)

photo: Alys Hayes

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: A Sentimental Journey (Leslie Norman: July 1968)
Marty visits a number of London hotels in his search for Dandy
(Identified by Marishka von Saatz, May 2002)

THE SAINT: Invitation to Danger (Roger Moore: March 1967)
Simon Templar goes to visit Rebecca Denning at her hotel, The Royal Garden Hotel, suite 144.
(Identified by Marishka von Saatz, May 2002)

Kensington Palace Gardens

GIDEON’S WAY: The Nightlifers (John Moxey: November 1964)
Peter Sloan (Anton Rogers), Alison Clifton (Pauline Monroe) and Tim Coles (Peter Fowlds) arrive at the home of Tony King’s uncle (No. 21 Palace Green). Wearing heavy disguises they make their way up to the house.

THE BARON: The Legions of Ammak (John Moxey: ???)
Mannering pays a nocturnal visit to the London Embassy of Ammak (Philippines Embassy at No9A Palace Green) in his Jensen.
(Identified by Tamara Cartwright-Loebl, September 2002)

THE BARON: There's Someone Close Behind You (Roy Baker: December 1965)
John Mannering is hiding with Police in the house holding the Lynsted Collection (No. 21 Palace Green) after being tipped off that it is about to be robbed. After accidentally killing a policeman during the attempted robbery, Gregg Wilde, jumps in to his gang's car and escapes.
(Identified by Tamara Cartwright-Loebl, September 2002)

THE BARON: You Can't Win Them All (Don Chaffey: March 1966)
The Baron visits the The Kemston Gallery (Philippines Embassy at No9A Palace Green)
(Identified by Tamara Cartwright-Loebl, September 2002)

THE SAINT: The Russian Prisoner (John Moxey: February 1966)
The consulate of the "Union Soietiquedes Republics Socialistes" in Geneva (No. 21 Palace Green). Professor KarelJorovitch (Joseph Furst) defects from the consulate, but his leaving is observed and he is followed.
(Identified by Tamara Cartwright-Loebl, September 2002)

MAN IN A SUITCASE: The Girl Who Never Was (Robert Tronson: November 1966)
Captain George Kershaw arrives at Miss Gilchrist's residence.
(Identified by Tamara Cartwright-Loebl, August 2003)

THE SAINT: A Double in Diamonds (John Gilling: February/March 1967)
Gillingham's secretary, Miss Summers, drives to collect the replica of the Gillingham necklace from Charlie Hallowes in Garton's Jaguar.
(Identified by Tamara Cartwright-Loebl, September 2002)

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Nightmare Man (Peter Sasdy: July 1977)
Simon Templar (Ian Ogilvy) and Canfield (Norman Eshley) leave the Italian Embassy and walk (down Palace Green) to Kensington High Street. Later the Ambassador's landau is prepared.
(Identified by Sam Mitchell)

RETURN OF THE SAINT: One Black September (Leslie Norman: September 1977)
After completing his mission Simon Templar visits the Israeli Embassy (The Israeli Embassy, Palace Green) to collect his tickets to Florida.

Kensington Road

DANGER MAN: The Sisters (Seth Holt: 1959)
John Drake collects Gerda Sandor from her hotel (Palace Gardens, W8) and drives around the corner (towards Kensington High Street) but is followed
(Identified by Marishka von Saatz, August 2004)

photo: Stephen Carter

THE SAINT: The Scales of Justice
Anna Kirby (Jean Marsh) leaves the house of Elliot Stratton and makes her way on foot to a bus stop (outside the Milestone Hotel Restaurant - no longer a bus stop). Elliot follows in his Jaguar and is about to shoot her when a bus arrives.
(Identified by Stephen Carter, August 2000)

Launceston Place

THE SAINT: The Rough Diamonds (Peter Yates: 1963)
After Simon and Barbara Sinclair leave Barbara’s flat, in the Volvo, they are followed by Rocco an Joe in their Zephyr. This soon turns into a game of cat and mouse (they drive past Cornwall Mews South, Cornwall Gardens and Kynance Place).

THE SAINT: The Smart Detective (John Moxey: February 1965)
Dixon confirms that Swann and Miller are still on the trail of Templar’s Volvo (they drive past Cornwall Mews South, Cornwall Gardens and Kynance Place).

MAN IN A SUITCASE: The Sitting Pigeon (Gerry O'Hara: March 1967)
McGill drives towards the mews for a meeting with Rufus Blake and Valerie.
(Spotted by Alan Leventhall, September 1994)

Lexham Gardens

photo: Stephen Carter

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Why They Killed Nolan (Charles Crichton: July 1967)
McGill (Richard Bradford) arrives at Yorke Mansions, where the Nolans are living. Later he leaves with Nolan (Sam Kydd) but is followed by a car waiting in a nearby side road (Pennant Mews). After Nolan is killed McGill becomes nervous as he pass a pair of policeman on the beat in his taxi.
(Identified by Stephen Carter, May 2001)


Lexham Gardens Walk

MAN IN A SUITCASE: The Sitting Pigeon (Pat Jackson: August 1966)
The house of Blake's girlfriend, Valerie (Number 48). She is seen leaving with McGill as he takes her to see Blake.
(Identified by Marishka von Saatz, May 2002)


DOCTOR WHO: The War Machines (May 1966)
(Identified by Marishka von Saatz, May 2002)

Lexham Walk

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Why They Killed Nolan (Charles Crichton: July 1967)
McGill (Richard Bradford) phones the police and then leaves before a squad car arrives.
(Identified by Stephen Carter, May 2001)

Observatory Gardens

photos: Geoff Dodd

JASON KING: Jason's apartment in Paris
1- 12 Campden Hill Court, Observatory Gardens,
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, December 2014)

Phillimore Gardens

THE SAINT: The Contract (Roger Moore: October 1964)
Simon Templar (Roger Moore) goes to interview Mrs. Ballinger at 22 Cromfort Street (7 Upper Phillimore Gardens). He finds out from the cleaner, Mrs Evans (Mary Jones) that Mrs. Ballinger is away in Spain so he goes round the back to and breaks in. Later Simon and Dunstan agent wait outside the house in Simon’s Volvo and follow nasty Farnberg when he leaves the house and drives off.
(More detail from Sietse Postma, February 2024)

THE SAINT: A Double in Diamonds (John Gilling: February/March 1967)
Garton drops Kate Summers (Yolande Turner) off at Gillingham House in his Jaguar. Later Templar arrives in his Volvo to investigate the case. As The Saint leaves Lord Gillingham's, he recognises Kate Summers.
(Identified by Alan Field, June 2008)

Upper Phillimore Gardens

THE SAINT: Portrait of Brenda (John Gilling: Summer 1968)
Mrs. White (Petra Davies) looks across the road to Tony (Dave Prowse) from the door of the meditation centre.
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, March 2024)

Victoria Grove

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Nightmare Man (Peter Sasdy: July 1977)
Gayle (Kathryn Leigh Scott) arrives in a taxi at the home of Livia Morena (Moira Redmond) just in time to see catch a taxi of her own (on the junction of Victoria Grove and Launceston Place). Gayle tells the taxi driver to follow (along Launceston Place).
(Identified by Marishka von Saatz, May 2002)

Victoria Road

photos: Stephen Carter

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Why They Killed Nolan (Charles Crichton: July 1967)
McGill (Richard Bradford) returns to his taxi where the taxi driver (Harold Goodwin) is waiting. Mr Arnoldson(Griffith Jones) eventually turns up in his Jaguar. McGill follows him to Angela's house. Arnoldson drives off with Angela (Nike Arrighi) and McGill gives chase in his taxi. Mr Arnoldson 's Jaguar drops Angela off at the corner of a street (Eldon Road and Victoria Road ) as McGill drives by in his taxi.
(Identified by Alan Leventhall, September 1994 and Stephen Carter, May 2001)

THE SAINT: The Scales of Justice ()
Anna Kirby (Jean Marsh) leaves the house of Elliot Stratton (2 Albert Place) and signals for a taxi at the end of the street (Douro Place). Elliot Stratton (Mark Burns) gives chase in his Jaguar. With no sign of a taxi, Anna Kirby then makes her way on foot (St. Albans Grove toward Victoria Rd then along St. Albans Grove. turning left into Victoria Rd.) to find a bus stop. Simon pays a visit to the Stratton's house but is too late to catch neither Anna nor Elliot. He dashes from the house and drives off in his Volvo.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, May 2000)

Biddulph Road

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: The Man from Nowhere (Robert Tronson: January 1969)
When Jeff drives the imposter posing as Marty to his hotel in the Vauxhall the are followed by Mannering and Hyde Watson in their Bentley driven by Griggs

Blomfield Road

THE AVENGERS: Take Me to Your Leader (Robert Fuest: November 1968)
Steed (Patrick Macnee) and Tara (Linda Thorson) arrive at the telephone box (near Randolph Road junction) in Cramley High Street in Steed's yellow Rolls Royce as instructed. After being identified by the next contact, Tara walks home followed by the contact - and Steed.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, May 2000)

Bristol Gardens

photo: Jaz Wiseman

RETURN OF THE SAINT: One Black September (Leslie Norman)
Abdul Akim (Garrick Hagon) spots some other members of Black September: Masroof (Stephen Grief), Caliban (Shango Baku) and Rahman (Nadim Sawaiha) arrive at his hideout. He warns Yasmina (June Bolton) before running away. Simon Templar (Ian Ogilvy) Captain Leila Sabin (Prunella Gee) and Stern (Reuben Elvy) arrive at number 27 in Simon’s Jaguar just in time to save Yasmina.
(Identified by: Jaz Wiseman with thanks to Len Colgan and Bill O'Shea, February 2005)

Clifton Gardens

THE AVENGERS: Take Me to Your Leader (Robert Fuest: November 1968)
Steed arrives as Mr Richard Straus, at the Cremone Hotel, Sloane Street (No. 16) and enters with the case while Tara (Linda Thorson) waits outside in the Yellow Rolls Royce. The next contact soon arrives and checks his gun before entering.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, May 2000)

Elgin Avenue

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: A Disturbing Case (Ray Austin: Summer 1969)
Randall leaves the police station with Marty in the Mini after being told not to leave town.
(Identified by Paul Stroud, October 2010)

Elgin Mews South

THE AVENGERS: Take Me to Your Leader (Robert Fuest: November 1968)
After leaving the Cremone Hotel with the case the contact drives into a quiet mews to listen to his instructions. Tara (Linda Thorson) takes this opportunity to knock the contact out and leaves with the case.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, May 2000)

Formosa Street

THE SAINT: The Man Who was Lucky (John Gilling: 1962)
Cora (Delphi Lawrence) runs to the main street to call a cab, when one fails to stop she runs down the street. Later Simon Templar (Roger Moore) arrives in his Volvo looking for Marty O’Connor.

Grantully Road

THE AVENGERS: Take Me to Your Leader (Robert Fuest: November 1968)
After leaving the station one of the contacts gets into his car and is then followed by Steed in his yellow Rolls Royce.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, May 2000)

Lauderdale Road

DEPARTMENT S: Death on Reflection (Ray Austin: 1968)
Sullivan and Annabelle keep an eye on the apartment of Yves Le Charolet in Paris
(Identified by Celia O’Conner, May 2008)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK DECEASED: My Late Lamented Friend and Partner (Cyril Frankel: May 1968)
Home of Jean and Marty.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: The Man from Nowhere (Robert Tronson: January 1969)
Marty and Jeff decide to pay a visit to Oxfordshire, they leave Jean's flat and set off out of London.

Maida Vale

THE CHAMPIONS: The Experiment (Cyril Frankel: June 1967)
The officer in the police car following the taxi carrying Sharron Macready suspects that the driver realises that he is being followed (southern end of Maida Vale).
(Identified by Alan Field, April 2009)

THE AVENGERS: Take Me to Your Leader (Robert Fuest: November 1968)
Tara follows one of the contacts from the "luggage-loading bay at King's Cross Station", past a block of flats (Edinburgh House No.155).
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, May 2000)

Pindock Mews

RETURN OF THE SAINT: One Black September (Leslie Norman: 1977)
Simon Templar (Ian Ogilvy) chases Masroof (Stephen Grief) to the road at the back of the Black September hideout.
(Identified by Greg Mishevski, aka SainT on the Britmovie Forum, December 2010)

Randolph Avenue

GIDEON’S WAY: The Tin God (John Gilling: June/July 1964)
Gideon and Keen return to the station in a police car.
(Identified by Harryshand on the Britmovie Forum, September 2008)

THE SAINT: The Set-Up (Roy Baker: October 1964)
The chase continues after Corrigan gets into his own car.
(Identified by Harryshand on the Britmovie Forum, September 2008)

THE BARON: The Legions of Ammak (John Moxey: August 1965)
David pays a visit to an actress girlfriend so he can look through her actors directory.
(Identified by Harryshand on the Britmovie Forum, September 2008)

Randolph Crescent

GIDEON’S WAY: The Tin God (John Gilling: June/July 1964)
Police units are summoned to converge on Crosby Street.
(Identified by ‘Controller’, October 2012)

Randolph Road

THE AVENGERS: The Bird Who Knew Too Much (Roy Rossotti: October 1966)
John Steed and Emma Peel arrive at the home of Mark Pearson (Number 18) in Steed’s Bently, to ask him about George Elrick’s death. They are too late as Verret has just killed him.
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, June 2005)

Sevington Street

GIDEON’S WAY: The Great Plane Robbery (Leslie Norman: March/April 1965)
The police are watching Kautsky’s house so he sends his son, Sid to collect the pay-off money.
(Identified by Alan Field, March 2010)

Sutherland Avenue

photo: Wyn Roberts May 2000

THE AVENGERS: Love All (Peter Sykes: November 1968)
Sir Rodney (Robert Harris) escapes to visit Martha (Veronica Strong) at her (probably No. 126) home. He persuades her to run away with him but as they leave in his car, she kills him.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, April 2000)

THE AVENGERS: Whoever Shot Poor George Oblique Stroke XR40? (Cyril Frankel: May 1968)
Tara King accompanies Baines to his apartment (number 182). Later Jacobs (John Porter-Davision) arrives at the apartment to find Steed’s Rolls Royce Silver Ghost parked outside. Jacobs enters with murder on his mind.
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, May 2000)

THE AVENGERS: The Interrogators (Charles Crichton: October 1968)
Tara King (Linda Thorson) pays an unsuccessful visit to Minnow's home (number 182) but is too late to stop him from being hurried away by Colonel Mannering.
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, May 2009)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: The Man from Nowhere (Robert Tronson: January 1969)
Marty and Jeff decide to pay a visit to Oxfordshire and set off out of London, they are followed by Mannering and Hyde Watson in in a removal van driven by Griggs (with back projection from Lauderdale Road roundabout up to Hall Road).
(Identified by Wyn Roberts, 2001)

Warrington Crescent

GIDEON'S WAY: How to Retire Without Really Working (Directed by George Pollock: ???)
Robert Gresham (Eric Barker) arrives at the hotel (The Colonnade Hotel, 2 Warrington Crescent), entering by the front entrance, to meet his wife Margaret. He later leaves the hotel on his way to find a job and is watched by an undercover policeman.
(Identified by Jaz Wiseman, October 2005)

STRANGE REPORT: Report No.4407-HEART:'No choice for the donor' (Robert Asher: July 1968)
Gynt (Kaz Garas) is taken from his flat (near The Warrington Arms) by Segarus (Kenneth Griffith) and his men. They are watched and followed by Adam Strange (Anthony Quayle) and Inspector Collins (Peter Cellier).
(Identified by Jaz Wiseman, May 2005)

Warwick Avenue

STRANGE REPORT: Report No.4407-HEART:'No choice for the donor' (Robert Asher: July 1968)
A bowler-hatted pedestrian is annoyed when a taxi driven by Adam Strange (Anthony Quayle) fails to stop for him (near the junction with Clifton Villas).
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, April 2005)

Exmoor Street

THE BARON: The Edge of Fear (Quentin Lawrence: May 1966)
Cerdan (John Abineri) walks out of his hospital ward (Saint Charles' Hospital) and steals the car of a young man who is busy talking to a two nurses. The man notices too late and Cerdan drives out of the hospital gates.
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, April 2010)

Freston Road

THE NEW AVENGERS: The Midas Touch (Robert Fuest: Spring 1976)
As Gambit and Purdey are chasing a would-be assassin from Heathrow Airport the cars pass under this railway viaduct.
(Identified by Stephen Carter, September 2002)

Golbourne Road

GIDEON'S WAY: The Firebug (Roy Baker: September 1964)
Two policeman cross the road from the Earl of Warwick pub (now the Golborne Grove) to a police call box to call in on the whereabouts of Tom Bishop
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, January 2006)
Later Gideon and Keen back on the trail of Tom Bishop again (back projection featuring the Golborne Grove at the Southam Street junction).
(Identified by Marishka von Saatz, July 2012)

Kensal Road

GIDEON'S WAY: The Firebug (Roy Baker: September 1964)
Gideon receives a report about Tom Bishop (George Cole) buying a motor scooter just as Bishop is travelling home with high explosives. Later Tom Bishop hunts out first target on his scooter. Tom Bishop prepares to throw the first stick of dynamite at the Sampson Rag and Waste paper Company (Canalot Studios). Bishop on scooter passes “Lads of the Village” pub (The Village Inn, 265 Kensal Road) and throws explosive.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, January 2006, Stephen Carter, March 2007 )

GIDEON’S WAY: The Wall (Leslie Norman, January 1965)
As Gideon and Keen are driven in a police car they go through the statements from the Penn case, they decide to visit Penn’s office and then go to see his wife Netta.

THE BARON: Diplomatic Immunity (Leslie Norman: August 1965)
The grey Jaguar carrying John Mannering and two of Templeton Green's men drives past a large factory and turns right into Bosworth Road.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, January 2006)

Southam Street

GIDEON’S WAY: The Firebug (Roy Baker: September 1964)
D.C.I. David Keen (Alexander Davion) borrows bicycle from child to time journey from arson site to local telephone boxes. After a short ride he comes at last to the phone box (junction of Southam Street, Kensal Place, Edenham Street).
(Identified by Alan Field, September 2008)


Westway A40(M)

THE NEW AVENGERS: The Midas Touch (Robert Fuest: Spring 1976)
Gambit and the assassin continue the chase and then play a game of cat and mouse under a motorway viaduct (where it crosses Latimer Road).
(Identified by Stephen Carter and Tamara Cartwright-Loebl, August 2005)

All Saints Road

MAN IN A SUITCASE: The Girl Who Never Was (Robert Tronson: November 1966)
Kershaw's returns to Mavis' boarding House.
(Identified by Alan Field, November 2009)

Arundel Gardens

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Poppy Chain (Charles Crighton: 1977)
The Saint's Jaguar races to The Barbican.
(Spotted by Sam Mitchell)

Blenheim Crescent

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Poppy Chain (Charles Crighton: ???)
After a dash across London The Saint (Ian Ogilvy) and Jenny Platt (Jenny Hanley) arrive at the flat of Jenny’s sister Jane.

Colville Gardens

THE SAINT: The Abductors (Jeremy Summers: 1977)
17 Rue de Mason. Simon Templar and Madeline go to visit Olga to talk about Brian Quell. Later Alain goes to see Olga to find out if she has been leaking information. Simon arrives soon after but is too late to save Olga. As Alain leaves in his Citroen 2CV Madeline follows in Simon’s Volvo.
(Klark Crass on the Britmovie Forum, January 2009)

Great Western Road

STRANGE REPORT: Report 3424 Epidemic: 'A most curious crime' (Daniel Petrie: October/November 1968)
Hamlyn Gynt (Caz Garas) arrives on his motorbike at Zeba’s (Zienia Merton) part for her brother Jamal (Roshan Seth). After Jamal falls ill Mehdi (Shivendra Sinha) calls for Morrison (Peter Vaughn) and Captain Tork (Graham Haberfield) to collect him. The next day Evelyn (Anneke Wills) arrives in a taxi looking for Ham, but is obstructed by Mehdi. (The house is near the Great Western pub, next to Westbourne Park tube station). Later A police car with a load speaker tours the Pakistani sections of London warning the residents to prepare for cholera inoculations.
(Jaz Wiseman- April 2005 and Alan Field, August 2007)

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: Could You Recognise the Man Again? (Jeremy Summers: April 1969)
Jeff and Jean race to the courthouse in the Vauxhall (junction with Harrow Road).
(Identified by Peter Astaire, April 2012)

Kensington Park Road

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Poppy Chain (Charles Crighton: 1977)
The ambulance carrying Jane Platt is followed by The Saint and Jenny Platt turn off Talbot Road into Kensington Park Road on the way to the hospital.
(Spotted by Wyn Roberts)

Ladbroke Road

photos: Paul Ager

GIDEON’S WAY: The Perfect Crime (Leslie Norman: May 1965)
Gideon arrives in a police car at the flat of Michael Spender (Ladbroke Road turning into Ladbroke Mews) just too late.
(Identified by Greg Mishevski, aka SainT on the Britmovie Forum, February 2011)

Lansdowne Road

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Man From The Dead (Pat Jackson: August 1966)
McGill stakes drives Rachel Tyson back to her flat after he has interrupted a possible meeting with her father (No.26).
(Identified by Sietse Postma, July 2023)

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Poppy Chain (Charles Crighton: 1977)
General Platt (Laurence Naismith) is dropped off at his home by a taxi driver.
(Identified by Alan Field, May 2009)

Mortimer Square

THE NEW AVENGERS: The Midas Touch (Robert Fuest: Spring 1976)
As Gambit and Purdey are chasing a would-be assassin from Heathrow Airport the cars race from St Ann's Road, left into Mortimer Square (dog watches) and turn right into Freston Road, (passing The People's Hall, ‘Delta Litho Ltd’ at the time of filming).
(Identified by Stephen Carter, September 2002)

Notting Hill Gate

DANGER MAN: Have A Glass Of Wine (Peter Maxwell: ???)
Establishing shot of the tube station entrance.
(Spotted by Sam Mitchell)

photo: Stephen Carter

THE AVENGERS: Death At Bargain Prices (Charles Crichton: January 1965)
Establishing shot of Pinters Department store at night (facing west).
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, March 2002)

photo: Stephen Carter

THE BARON: The Edge of Fear (Quentin Lawrence: May 1966)
Jordan drives Mannering to the meeting with Montford and Colbert (facing east).
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, March 2002)

DEPARTMENT S: Six Days (Cyril Frankel: May 1968)
A taxi travelling west pulls over by the tube subway entrance. Hallet gets out and rushes down the steps, followed by Jason and Anabelle who have been tailing him in the Rolls.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, March 2002)

STRANGE REPORT: Report 2641 - Hostage: 'If You Won’t learn Die!' (Charles Crichton, February 1969)
Adam is taken by Mrs. Deeds in one her mini cabs from her office to pick up her next fare (passing the junction of Pembridge Road). On the way, she tells Adam about her son’s imprisonment in The Peoples’ Republic of China.
(Spotted by Wyn Roberts, May 2005)

STRANGE REPORT: Report 0846 – Lonelyhearts ‘Who killed Dan cupid?’ (Peter Duffell, February/March 1969)
Leonard Grey (Donald Douglas) leaves his office in Bovis House (the former Bovis headquarters building on Notting Hill Gate) and is followed down through the subway as he crosses the road by a plain-clothes police officer.

DEPARTMENT S: Last Train to Redbridge (John Gilling: 1968)
Subway access to Redbrigde Station.

Olaf Street

THE NEW AVENGERS: The Midas Touch (Robert Fuest: Spring 1976)
As Gambit and Purdey are chasing a would-be assassin from HeathrowAirport the cars race down this street.
(Identified by Stephen Carter, September 2002)

Pembridge Road

STRANGE REPORT: Report 2641 - Hostage: 'If You Won’t learn Die!' (Charles Crichton, February 1969)
Adam continues his journey with Mrs. Deeds in one her mini cabs from her office (the junction of Kensington Park Road). On the way, she tells Adam about her son’s imprisonment in The Peoples’ Republic of China.
(Spotted by Wyn Roberts, May 2005)

Portland Road

GIDEON’S WAY: State Visit (John Moxey: September 1964)
Detective Chief Inspector David Keen races around to The Fischer’s home looking for Max Fischer and the missing explosives.
(Identified by Stephen Carter, September 2007)

GIDEON'S WAY: The Housekeeper (Leslie Norman: October 1965)
After a visit from a young constable Gideon and Keen race of to Percy Whitehead’s home in a police car (turning left into Ladbroke Road then left again into Clarendon Road)
(Identified by Stephen Carter, September 2007)

GIDEON’S WAY: The Reluctant Witness (Jeremy Summers, April 1965)
All available police cars are called into the area.
(Identified by Stephen Carter, September 2007)

Portobello Road

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: You Can Always Find a Fall Guy (Ray Austin: August 1968)
Jeff decides to visit Winchester once more and sets off in his Vauxhall (past the junction of Portobello Road, Talbot Road).
(Spotted by Sam Mitchell)

DEPARTMENT S: A Cellar Full of Silence (John Gilling: Spring 1968)
A taxi pulls up (near junction with Talbot Road). Stewart (Joel Fabiani) gets out and crosses the market on his way to see Martin Kyle.
(Spotted by Stephen Carter, March 2002)

DEPARTMENT S: Soup of the Day (Leslie Norman: Spring 1969)
A taxi pulls up (near junction with Talbot Road). Stewart (Joel Fabiani) gets out and crosses the market on his way to see the man who ordered the ‘wrong’ crate of soup.

RETURN OF THE SAINT: Tower Bridge is Falling Down (Leon Griffiths: ???)
Simon Templar (Ian Ogilvy) and Sammy (Alfie Bass) leave Sammy’s gym and watch a game of find the lady (on the junction with Alba Place) where a tourist (Thick Wilson) is conned by the dealer (John Wade) and a his shill (Paddy Joyce). Later Ray Dennis (John Woodvine) and Inspector Ashton (Stanley Meadows) go to collect Templar in a Rolls Royce.

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Poppy Chain (Charles Crighton: ??)
Simon Templar and Sandi race through London in Simon’s Jaguar to the flat of Sandi’s sister (corner of Portobello Road and Colville Terrace).

Saint John's Gardens

THE AVENGERS: The Morning After (John Hough: October 1968)
John Steed and Marlin are shown a recording of Jenny Firston's news report of people are pouring out in their thousands as a typical English town is evacuated, as they leave special shock troops take over (footage from the film SEVEN DAYS TO NOON). Trucks carrying shock troops arrive in a typical English town.
(S.J. on the Reel Streets site, April 2011)


Talbot Road

photo: Wyn Roberts

RETURN OF THE SAINT: The Poppy Chain (Charles Crighton: ???)
The ambulance carrying Jane Platt is followed by The Saint and Jenny Platt cross the junction with Portobello Road on the way to the hospital.
(Spotted by Wyn Roberts)

Tavistock Crescent

THE HUMAN JUNGLE: The 24-Hour Man (Robert Day, ???)
Dr. Jimmy Davis (Michael Johnson) goes to interview Alvar Bell at Dr Corder's request (redeveloped).
(Identified by Alan Field, March 2011)

STRANGE REPORT: Report 3424 Epidemic: 'A most curious crime' (Daniel Petrie: October/November 1968)
A police car with a load speaker tours the Pakistani sections of London warning the residents to prepare for cholera inoculations (Tavistiock Crescent and Tavistock Road).
(Identified by Alan Field, August 2007)


Stokesley Street

: The Sitting Pigeon (Gerry O'Hara: March 1967)
Rufus Blake has just left prison and been met by McGill. They leave in a taxi which drops them off round this corner, where they get into McGill's car.

Uxbridge Road

DANGER MAN: Name, Date and Place (Charles Frend: 1959)
Drake climbs to the top floor of the bus (Uxbridge Road/The Vale, Acton seen in the back projection). On the bus he chats with a passenger who tells him he's dropped something.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, May 2005)

White City Underground Station

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Man from the Dead (Pat Jackson: August 1966)
McGill (Richard Bradford) buys a newspaper from outside a London underground station.
(Identified by Richard Bignell, May 2000)

White City Stadium, White City Road(demolished)

GIDEON'S WAY: The Housekeeper (Leslie Norman: 1965)
Ralph Maricut is picked up at the dog track by the police.
(Identified by Ian Rogers, March 2010)

MAN IN A SUITCASE: Man from the Dead (Pat Jackson: August 1966)
Climax of the episode shot at White City Stadium.

Wood Lane

STRANGE REPORT: Report 4407 Heart: 'No Choice for the Donor' (Robert Asher: Autumn 1967)
A police car watches a car containing the abducted Hamlyn, drive by the BBC Studios near the White City Tube Station.
(Source: Jaz Wiseman, January 2000)

Wormwood Scrubs Prison, Du Cane Road

SABER OF LONDON: Strong Man Out (Max Varnel: 1959)
Mark Saber and Pete Paulson go to visit Peter Bond (John McLaren) at Wormwood Scrubs in Pete's Vauxhall. Later Peter Bond is released from prison.

DANGER MAN: Such Men are Dangerous (Don Chaffey Oct/Nov 1964)
A Bentley drives after John Drake as he leaves the jail.
(Spotted by Sam Mitchell)

GIDEON’S WAY: The Rhyme and the Reason (John Gilling: 1964)
Establishing shot of the prison as Mary Rose goes to visit her brother in prison.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, July 2005)

GIDEON’S WAY: To Catch A Tiger (Les Norman, April 1965)
Establishing shot of the gateway as Cuthbertson arrives to talk to John Borgman.
(Spotted by Jaz Wiseman, April 2005)

GIDEON’S WAY: The Perfect Crime (Leslie Norman: May 1965)
Gideon goes to visit Jimmy Casey in Brixton Prison.
(Identified by Wiebke Koeppen, April 2006)

THE BARON: Something for a Rainy Day (Cyril Frankel: November 1965)
Ann Seldon (Ann Lynn) greets her father, Seldon (Michael Gwynn) when he is released from prison but they are watched from across the street by Max Holder (Patrick Allen) from his car.

MAN IN A SUITCASE: The Sitting Pigeon (Gerry O'Hara: March 1967)
Rufus Blake (George Sewell) is released from prison and catches a taxi which drops him off round the corner where he is picked up by McGill.

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: It's Supposed to be Thicker Than Water (Leslie Norman: Autumn 1968)
Establishing shots of prison which Jeff visits.

Addison Crescent

RETURN OF THE SAINT: Assault Force (Peter Sasdy: 1978)
On his way to the embassy, Templar swerves around a workman in the middle of Addison Crescent.
(Identified by Geoff Dodd, July 2020)

Addison Road

RETURN OF THE SAINT: Assault Force (Peter Sasdy: 1978)
Embassy of nasty Asian country.
(Identified by Tamara Cartwright-Loebl, September 2002)

Blythe Road

THE NEW AVENGERS: Last of the Cybernauts...?? (Sidney Hayers: May 1976)
Purdey (Joanna Lumley), in her MGB, drops Gambit (Gareth Hunt) off the office of J. B. Foster (Blythe House, 23 Blythe Road). She parks around the back, but the Cybernaut (Rocky Taylor) is already there.
(Identified by Alan F, on the Britmovie Forum, June 2008)

Holland Villas Road

RANDALL AND HOPKIRK [DECEASED]: A Sentimental Journey (Leslie Norman: July 1968)
Road near Seymour's gymnasium.
(Identified by John Holburn)

Kensington (Olympia) Station

THE NEW AVENGERS: Sleeper (Graeme Clifford: September 1976)
Establishing shot of seemingly deserted Railway Station - early Sunday morning.
(Spotted by Alan Field, September 2007)

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