Mapping Avengerland
There are four maps, the first two, of Outer Avengerland, are
divided into squares labelled A to H, with one square left unlabelled.
This blank square represents Inner Avengerland, seen in the second set
of maps, which have squares I to R. The locations in each of these maps
are numbered, the numbers corresponding to those in the guide.
numbers in each section refer to the reference number of the location
in that square, e.g. location 3 in square B refers to locations B3 the
guide. Road numbers and motorway junction numbers are also given on the
maps e.g. A1000 and j23, and should not be confused with location
The Maps here are from the 1993 edition of A GUIDE TO AVENGERLAND:
A Google Earth file with all the current Avengerland locations can be found here: Google Earth File. Just download and save this file and open with Google Earth.
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