The original publication of A GUIDE TO AVENGERLAND was the result of many years of work and it is hoped that this web version of the guide will reflect all the hard work and research displayed in the original guide. This publication is intended to be a comprehensive guide to the locations used during the filming of many episodes of classic television series based in the Borehamwood and Pinewood film studios.

AVENGERLAND refers to the area within half an hour's drive of the Borehamwood and Pinewood film studios where series such as THE AVENGERS, THE SAINT, THE BARON and many more classic television programmes did their location filming. Most of the locations that are included here were found after many days of location spotting, simply touring the area and looking for them, as no official records of location filming exist. Thus, we are always interested in being told about any locations we have missed so far. AVENGERLAND includes some of the South of England's most unspoilt and peaceful spots and many of the locations included in this guide are well worth a visit in themselves.

If you do intend to visit any of the locations listed here we would recommend that you take a large scale street map of the area, such as a Greater London Street Atlas, as well as an Ordnance Survey map.

As well as locations within AVENGERLAND, this guide also contains a listing of locations used in other parts of the country including a couple of London locations. We will try to include more London locations in future as the original guide was published with the intention that another publication be produced to cover London comprehensively. I hope that this guide will encourage readers to go and discover AVENGERLAND for themselves and possibly find the odd, as-yet, undiscovered location.

Anthony McKay

July 1999


We are indebted to the following for their invaluable help in researching this guide;

To Annette Hill, Steven Turner and Michael Richardson for their help in spotting many of the locations.

To Andrew Pixley and Michael Richardson for most of the technical details and dates contained within.

Also: David Auger, Vanessa Bergman, Hans Bolt, Brian Clemens, Stephen Carter, Simon Coward, Sue Flower, Andrew Gurudata, Martin Holder, Clair McCoy (Zenith), Gino Marotta, David Nightingale, Phil Packer, Steve Ricks, Andrew Turford, Wyn Roberts, Dave Rogers, Andrew Staton, and Jaz Wiseman.


The entire contents of this publication are copyright in all countries signatory to the Berne and Universal Copyright Conventions.

The contents and format of the guide are Copyright 1993, 1999, 2000 and 2001 TIME SCREEN. Reproduction in part or whole is strictly reserved to TIME SCREEN

All photographic illustrations are copyright Anthony McKay unless otherwise stated.


Any further information about this or any other TIME SCREEN publications can be obtained from:

A_R_McKay@Hotmail.com or from our TIME SCREEN web site