This guide is divided into four sections, which are as follows;
1: Index
This lists all the series featured in this guide in chronological screening order. Next to the title, in brackets, the number of the season of the series is given, if more than one series was made, the production company that made the series and the studio where it was made, if known. Below the series' title the episodes for which locations have been found are listed, again in screening order. Opposite the name of the episode is given a reference number and/or a name in italics. The letter at the beginning of the reference number refers to a square on the maps of Avengerland (see below) and the number, to the given number of that location. e.g. D10 refers to location 10 in square D. Locations in italics e.g. see Brands Hatch refer to locations in the About Britain section (see below).
2: Avengerland locations listing
The listing of locations in Avengerland is set out in alphanumerical order, referring to the reference numbers for each location. Below each location are listed the various episodes in which that location appeared in production order. There is also a description of the action that took place there during the episode. The names of any actors that actually filmed on location are given in brackets after the character name. If an actor is not named it can be assumed that a double was used during filming. After the episode title the name of the director and the month of filming is given, if known.
NOTE: Not all locations are visible from the road and many that are private property are included here purely for reference. Locations markedû cannot be seen without trespassing on private property and so no attempt should be made to view these.
Locations marked £ charge some form of fee or toll for entry, or allow paying visitors at certain times.
Other private locations are visible from the road, but please exercise discretion.
The second part of the guide, which we call About Britain, lists locations outside Avengerland.
4: Action City
The third part of our guide lists locations in the
5: Maps Page
There are two maps, the first, of Outer Avengerland, is divided into squares labelled A to H, with one square left unlabelled. This blank square represents Inner Avengerland, seen in the second map, which has squares I to R. The locations in each of these maps are numbered, the numbers corresponding to those in the guide.